Okay I think it’s time that I introduce my team! After all, we’ve only been on the race for what…five months!!? Wow. Anyways, without further ado, I give you team Harvest!
To give a brief summary of the team itself, I’d say that it’s our love for God, patience for each other, and compassion that causes us to have such an uncontrollably funny time when it comes to anything. There’s a lot of joy and excitement in team Harvest for whatever God has and wants to show us everyday. Every girl on Harvest has become like a sister to me! I adore how we care for each other and laugh simply just because we love each other so much. It’s really beautiful to be able to be happy for someone else and rejoice just at how amazing God has made them. It’s also really redemptive especially after being in a world calling you to envy others. Envy can be a stealer of joy and one of the things the team has taught me to do is to simply love others. And what has taken place within the team has exploded into my life outside the team when it comes to loving absolutely anyone. When doing ministry together, I’ve loved discovering where we’re all differently gifted and how to use all the parts of the body of Christ to give him glory.
First, I’ll introduce the one and only Allyson Krick aka Kazam!! She’s the strong, brave leader of the team. She walks in a humility that I’ve never witnessed anyone walk in before and lives a life that is glorifying to God whether or not she is around people. Everything she does is to make the Lord seen rather than herself. Almost every night, you can find her having her dance party with Jesus (which we’ve all joined in on) and dancing and singing all crazy haha. I’ve had some of my favorite conversations with her and I love that she is quick to love someone who expresses their weaknesses instead of making them feel ashamed. She really shows me the love of Christ in that way. Kazam is someone who I can’t be around for more than 10 seconds before I’m on the floor laughing. She is quite comical. And burps the craziest sounds I have ever heard- what!? Oh, and I’m blessed that we share so many inside jokes from random movies from our childhood hehe.

Katie Jean aka Jeanie or Beanie is THE SWEETEST friend and my favorite coffee buddy. While in Vietnam, it was our favorite pastime to go discover all the coffee shops we could and read our Bibles. Walking back from coffee, I loved getting excited with her about what the Lord had showed each of us from his word. Jeanie knows that she is a daughter of the king and lives to make sure others know that they are loved by the most high as well. Jeanie does have a passion for Vietnam and, who knows, you might find her there at some point after the race! We’re two people that pick up on some of the jokes that may slip past everybody else, and one of us will just break the silence with an awkwardly loud laugh haha. She’s a very loyal, caring, and deep person. I love Jeanie!!

Claire aka Clarsie or Clairseph is our team Texan!! This girl is absolutely hilarious and sometimes I just don’t know where she gets it. She’s a brave soul and faces many a spider in our bathroom (especially Larry). I admire her love and excitement for the Lord. She is one of those people who walks like Jesus because she is gentle, lowly, and strong in Christ. She has a soft and caring heart and that is the strongest thing ever. She deeply cares for the lost and loves teaching others about the love of God! Also, she’s secretly crazy and adventurous!! She wouldn’t mind holding a snake, getting muddy, trying weird foods, or learning how to surf 🏄🏼♀️. Not to mention, she’s also a CrossFit queen. I love Clairseph so much and God has given her such a beautiful heart!!

Alexina aka Zina, Zine bean, or Zinith has the biggest smile and sweetest laugh all the time. She is just living out joy in the Lord. Even if there is something tough in her life, you can find her going to the word and sitting at the feet of Jesus. She is so brave and content in the love of the Lord- not to mention, she’s ALWAYS so positive and looking to the bright side even if things are a little gloomy. Zina looooves to serve in any way that she can! She cares deeply that people feel loved and that they are cared for well. Zina is for sure a hoot and a half to joke around with and sometimes spontaneously chases me down the hallway making me fear for my life- because she also likes to tickle me!

Hannah Killough aka Banan or killa killough is something else man. Definitely one of my favorite people ever- the kind where you can joke around and in some ways, you’re frenemies, but of course love each other deep down. She’s like the weird older sister I never had. We don’t back down when it comes to the joking around- but if I do it, it usually results in her attacking me (lovingly, I think). Some of my hardest laughs are from her. But aside from all the funny things, she has the kindest heart and I admire her leadership, passion to share about how Jesus changed her life, and desire to love others well. She also loves praying for people any chance she gets! Love my Banan haha. Oh she and Kazam are the basketball pros on our team. Forgot to mention that.
To conclude, what would I do without team Harvest? I’m moved by their love for God and I love how we work together through the hard things with the ultimate priority of being more like Jesus and giving him glory. My humor has also been forever changed by these guys. I’m not mad- it’s definitely a result of more joy and freedom in the Lord. From this, we’ve developed the harvest lingo (a list of words and phrases apart of our weird vocabulary) and we also have a growing list of quotes from funny things we say everyday.
What are we up to currently??
Right now, we are indeed still in Cambodia. We don’t have the most set out plan of what ministry looks like on the daily, but life is pretty simple and there aren’t many places to go out here other than a coffee shop and the high school we’re staying at. We’re just excited for the next day and seeing what God has for us. Whether that’s teaching English, playing volleyball or basketball with kids, teaching someone about the Bible, doing worship, or cooking, our ultimate heart is to be the hands and feet of Jesus and to be a picture of his grace. We want to love people here in Cambodia like Jesus and he joyfully gave his life for us. So the prayer everyday is, “Lord, show us the ways that we need to we need give up our lives so they will see your love. Help us to live lives worthy of the gospel.”
So that would be a good thing to be praying for our team! Thanks for reading and thank you for your prayers. The Lord is always so good!!!
Kayley 😄