How I found the World Race

Back in November I was looking at YWAM because I was interested in taking a gap year and as I surfed the internet, I found Adventures in Missions!

What I’m excited for

I am so so excited to see how God will transform me and my team. I am looking forward to trying a whole bunch of new things and meeting a whole bunch of new people, and cultures.


I am nervous to leave my family and friends I come from a small town in Idaho and everyone that I know is all fairly close. I know that this will be a growing experience for me and I can’t wait to see what comes out of it! I’m also nervous for packing and fundraising haha. I’ve never had to pack for more than two weeks and that usually doesn’t go so well 😉

How YOU can pray with me!

prayers for strength, leaving is going to be difficult and departing from the bubble i’ve been in will be hard

prayers for my team, that we will all have unity

prayers for missions, where we will go, who we will talk to and boldness to speak truth

prayers for funds, 17,500 is a lot of money but also gear is necessary and things add up quickly so prayers that God will show me His provision.


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