
Hello everyone! Currently writing this blog on the plane to Johannesburg! Later today, we will have out 17 hour flight directly from Johannesburg, South Africa, to Atlanta. Back to the states we go!

Our time in South Africa was wonderful! Probably my favorite country so far with Cambodia being a really close second! The Lord worked in tremendous ways in my heart, along with the hearts of those around me.

Ministry Mornings!

The ministry we worked at the duration of our time in South Africa (just over a month), was called “Beats and Books”. This ministry was an after school program where students ages 12-16 (there are a couple below and above this age group) come and get after school homework help, and learn how to play instruments. We got to ministry about 10am, and started out the day with a Bible study in proverbs or a little worship session with our hosts, Cornie, Uncle Jonathan, and Auntie Carla. After we had our morning session of Bible study or worship, we got started on our tasks we had for the day. Each of us had a different role, or preparations that needed to be done for the day. For example, I worked in administration at Beats and Books which consisted of organizing, attendance, printing papers, making schedules, and putting in scores. I absolutely loved it! Some days were more stressful than others, but overall it was a blast! Other people on my team worked in the kitchen, social media, prepped for music lessons that afternoon, and literacy! We had a little lunch break around noon and then worked on our tasks another hour or so until kids started showing up.

Ministry Afternoons!

The first couple kids showed up around 2, but the majority showed up at 2:45/3ish. Most of these kids came directly from school so they were a bit tired when they showed up, but Beats and Books provides coffee for them to wake them up a bit! All the students also receive a small meal every day when they arrive. The students work on their homework, or do music lessons from 3-4:15. My team and I got to just love on these kids, and help them with homework during this time. A couple of my teammates, Kayley and Claire, play guitar and piano so they got the opportunity to teach lessons during this time! I taught some math, and really just kept the students company while they worked on their homework. I guess I did give a couple flute lessons the first week we were here! That was fun and unexpected!

Ministry Afternoons Continued!

At 4:15 every day, we had a scheduled activity planned. On Mondays and Wednesdays we did small groups. Each girl on my team got the opportunity to lead a group of 4-5 students. During small group time, we would read through a book called “The Spiritual Disciplines”. It’s a book that we read together and learned about different spiritual disciplines, as well as understand and ask questions about the content we were reading. The spiritual disciplines we got to learn more about during the time we were there were service and submission. These topics led to some great conversations with the group of five girls I got the opportunity to love and pour into. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we got the opportunity to do worship all together! During this time, the students who play instruments got the opportunity to play and showcase their skills! Some students played tambourine, some guitar, some piano, and others drums. It was a beautiful time of inviting the Holy Spirit into the space, and allowing the Lord to work in the students hearts. Fridays were a combination of many different things!

What did the Lord teach me!

  • During this time, I have continued to realize how big of a heart I have for students ages 12-15. They are in such a developing and growth period of their adolescence. It’s a time when guys and girls are figuring out who they are, and asking the big questions in life. It’s a beautiful time and opportunity to pour truth into them and encourage them to seek after the Lord each and everyday.
  • Continually seeking after the Lord is the most important thing in this world. This world and everything in it is material, or will make mistakes, but Christ is never ending. Never will he ever forsake us or do us wrong, because he is the most perfect Father we could ever ask for!
  • The Lord has truth that overcomes the enemies lies in a heartbeat. The enemy is unoriginal and attacks again and again with lies, but the truth of Christ is so much greater!

Just a little moment of appreciation for my team (: My team, team Harvest is such a gift from the Lord! They have the ability to giggle their butts off and also have such an uplifting, encouraging conversation about the Lord! They each have unique gifts ready to build up the kingdom and body of Christ each and every day. I love seeing their beautiful faces every day, and the amount of jokes we have with one another is truly unreal! They have a love that only comes from Christ and I just love them with my whole heart. Thank you Lord for the gift that Harvest is and always will be to me!

Thanks for all the prayers and love as always! Love you all and let me know if you ever want to chat. 16 days until I’m home! Crazy.

Alexina (:


Ally and I currently at the airport (:

Harvest doing some gardening at Beats and Books!

One of the most BEAUTIFUL sunsets I’ve ever seen!!