
On my original 11 month race with P Squad I went to Guatemala as my first country, and so it made being with F Squad in Guatemala for their first country so special. Getting to be back with Dar para Dar I got to see a lot of people in the village of Chimachoy that I didn’t know I would ever see again.

During my last two weeks in Guatemala back in 2022 I met a family that was going through a difficult time. We’ll call the wife of the family Maria. Maria’s husband had recently left her to find work and her two year old daughter had just broken her leg two days before. During my first visit with her we sat with her and helped her harvest beans as she talked to us about her life.

I spent time with Maria and her kids a couple more times during our last two weeks of ministry. Each time that we would pray for her and we would pray for the Lord to heal her daughters leg. I was still learning about the healing power of God which made it difficult at times to pray in faith. The last time that I went to visit her before heading to our next country, she was so excited to show me that her daughters cast was already off! two weeks and her leg was was healed! We got to say our goodbyes and rejoice in what the Lord had done.

Over the next year and a half I had often questioned the Lord and how he moves in healing. It wasn’t a miraculous instantaneous healing like stories that I had heard before but two week still seemed like a miracle of sorts to heal a broken leg. In my mind I had essentially downplayed this healing because it didn’t happen right before my eyes.

When I realized that I would get to see Maria and her family again I was SO excited. I didn’t know if anyone in Chimachoy would recognize me because I know other American teams come in from time to time and it can be hard to remember. When I saw Maria again for the first time she was dropping one of her kids off at the school where we were teaching english classes. I almost didn’t recognize her but as soon as she said my name I knew exactly who she was. It was such a sweet reunion.

My team and I tried to visit her later that day during our time for house visits but she had gone into town. As we were knocking on her door her mom came around the corner and even her mom knew who I was. She looked at me and said “you were here when my granddaughter broke her leg”.  She then invited us to pray for her other daughter who had recently hurt her foot. We got to meet more of Maria’s family and talk to them about Jesus and how they had seen his faithfulness in their lives. We ended in prayer for their family and for healing for healing!

The Lord was so faithful to show me who He is as healer. That even if it is not instantaneous He is still at work! He also allowed me to see Maria and get to talk with her and her whole family one more time before I left again. I got to see her daughter again!

Psalm 103:2-3: Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases

I hope to get some Eswatini content out soon! Please be praying for F Squad as we are halfway through our time in Eswatini and will move to South Africa in three weeks. Bri and I will be transitioning things over to raised up squad leaders during our time in South Africa!! I would also appreciate your prayers for me as I continue fundraising! I know that the Lord will provide, he always does! I have just under two months left on the field and would like to honor the world race by reaching fully funded before I leave South Africa. You can reach my donation link through the support button on this blog page or if you would like to support my personal finances you can venmo me at: Lexy-Donath

Thank you for all of your prayers and for the financial support that I have continued to receive since the beginning of this journey!!

*names changed for the safety of my friends*