
Hello everyone, this is my final Newsletter for the World Race Gap Year 2023-2024. The World Race is officially over, but the Lord is not done. He has blessed me beyond my dreams with so much.

First off I would like to apologize for not posting sooner. I have really wanted this last post to be this best post yet. Also this past summer I have extremely busy working as a kid’s camp counselor in Pennsylvania. It has been so amazing, but I have had very little time to work on blogs. I have had so many opportunities to tell people about the love of Christ and I am still going on some crazy adventures.

Overview of The World Race Gap.

The past 9 months has been absolutely incredible and the Lord has been so faithful. The words that he spoke at the beginning I have seen come into fruition now at the end of my Race. I have stepped into a new season of relationship with the father. I can see the gifts of the spirit flowing through me the closer I get to the father. I am so exited to see everything the Lord leads me into this next season of life. Over the past year we have had to say goodbye to our ministries and many other friends we have made all over the world. Friends that I would even dare to call family. Since we have ended our time on the World Race I have also had to say goodbye to my team for a short while. My team has become a family I didn’t realize I needed, a brotherhood that has shaped me into looking more like Christ. I have gotten to experience what it looks like to live as if I was on a mission every single day. not just as missionary, but as a follower of christ. Matthew 10:7-8 says, “As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give”. I have incorporated this idea of living into my everyday life. As followers of Christ we aren’t supposed to just go to church on Sunday and be good the rest of the week. We are called to go about our daily lives proclaiming the gospel in our actions and words. The World Race has truly changed my life and has taught me to listen to the Lords voice.

Throughout my time in other countries the Lord has made the calling on my life clearer and clearer. The giftings that the Lord has given me have become even more evident. I have realized the things that I have experienced in my life and overseas is actually the Lord’s beautiful preparation for what is to come. It’s not always gong to be easy, but it’s worth it! As a matter of fact, the bible says that it’s going to be hard to follow the Lord. If things are easy and everything is always good then we are doing something wrong. As we follow Christ to our fullest, the more the enemy will stand against us. Let the hardships bring joy rather than defeat.

What’s Next?

Over the summer I have had many opportunities offered to me. After many decisions and with some redirection from the Lord, I will be leading a group of young adults around the world spreading the gospel. We will be traveling for another 9 months telling people about the love of Jesus to Nicaragua, Nepal, India, and Eswatini. With that being said I am asking for your prayers and backing as I go into places that have never heard the name of Jesus (Nepal and India Especially).


Thank You!!!

The Lord has been so faithful and I’m so excited to see where he uses me. Currently I need prayer for endurance, wisdom and funding. Thank you all for covering me in prayer and walking alongside me.  If you would like to know more about myself or would like to parter with me in sharing the gospel to all nations please contact me at [email protected]

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