
Lesotho bet you have never heard of it. I hadn’t either until about a month ago. But that is where I currently reside. And to be completely honest this is the most beautiful place I have ever been. We are in the middle of a valley in the middle of no where. The mountains are all around us and the stars at night are wild. God went crazy when he made this place.

We are currently hiking to villages and telling people about Jesus and praying for them. Tomorrow we hike 2 hours carrying construction supplies to go to a remote village to finish construction on a church. And to minister to the village. We are staying there for week.

It is currently just guys right now. That has been good I have enjoyed getting to know the other guys from the other team better.

This one was short just an update. Blogs will probably be rarer becuase I have no service and WIFI is a 2 hour walk away. Sorry this was is so short I don’t got alot in the tank right now.

Love you all.

-Drew McKinney