Hey friends!
It’s been a while but here I am! Missed y’all🥰
First things first, God is so good. So so good. He’s everything and I give Him glory for everything. I’ve had so many moments this week of extreme gratitude for the place I am today, knowing the place I could’ve been instead. He is so faithful to us and if He did it for me, He can do it for you.
So… I’m in India! Im in a place on the coast that reminds me of home, allows me to move my body more freely, and a place I’ve made some beautiful, appointed friendships. As wonderful as it’s been, I’ve also gone through some heavy emotions, inner healing, and sadness. The Lord has been leading me to a higher awareness of my need for Him, the power and importance of prayer and spiritual discipline and continues to walk me into love where I hold fear. Holy Spirit has gone from something I read about in the Bible to someone I now know and depend on daily. It’s by Holy Spirits guidance I’ve been able to see Gods glory in a place I once never knew existed.
As I’ve gone throughout my days here in India there is one cultural tradition that I’ve fallen in love with… Tea. Yea, you heard it, tea. India has little pop up carts, shops, restaurants, cafes, you name it everywhere where people come to enjoy a small glass of tea, a break in their work day, maybe a biscuit, and the fellowship of one another. It’s a beautiful thing really. It’s simple, it’s uniting, and it’s quite cheap might I add. As I’ve joined in on these glasses of tea, the Lord revealed to me how much more a cup of tea can be.
My beloved Americans, listen up. We go way too fast. Let’s slow down. Let’s have tea. So… tea.
T- take a moment
E- evaluate where your heart is at
A- accept Gods love
My cups of tea on a side street in India turned from curiosity to a daily encounter with the Lord. To have these encounters, are of simplicity and stillness. You don’t have to be in a church or in your prayer room. In fact, you can be on a busy road, with lots of honking and chatter and simultaneously be having a new revelation of the Fathers love for you.
So, take a moment.
Invite the Lord to help you evaluate how you’re doing/ where your heart is.
Then, ask God to reveal His love to you where you need it.
Simple, yet powerful. Living life with God is constantly having tea with Him and inviting others to have tea too. The Father loves you and wants you to know that. He wants you to heave freedom, security, abundance, and joy. He has a seat for you at His table so join me as I continue to have tea with Him at His table.
There’s so much more to come, are y’all excited?!❤️🔥
See ya later, I love y’all and appreciate the support always.
Concetta 🌱🦥☕️
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