

Life in Guatemala. Where do I even start? Whether you walk through the weathered cobblestone streets of Antigua where the people smile and flowere grow abundantly or you are doing ministry in a dusty village with little kids fighting to hold your hand and talk to you, the Lord’s goodness is so evident here!

Meeting everyone’s parents during parent vision trip was so sweet! Most of our parents came for a week to see us, explore Antigua, visit the base we are staying at until May, and help with some of the ministries we are serving this month!

Debrief with the coaches and mentors was full of sweet one on one’s getting gelato, walking the streets of Antigua, wonderful sessions and worship in the presence of the Lord and lots of coffee.

Then the next week we started ministry. It looked like meeting our hosts who we will be partnering with for the next month (4 in total for my team!), thrifting at megapaca, helping with soccer and a women’s event where we learned about how to share the Gospel through our testimonies, chasing little kids, cleaning a school, attempting to make empanadas at ministry, weeding plants, doing house visits, ranking 20 kinds of Guatemalan chips (pro-tip: get the queso and chipotle cho-bix), and speaking life over people in the streets of Parramos!

This week we didn’t have our normal ministries because of Holy Week, so we had a little bit of everything this week! We started with amazing house church with the whole squad on Sunday, asking the Lord what to do for ministry on Monday and Tuesday, we got to pray and talk to some really cool people! Be praying for this really cool lady I met who is Hindu but has such an interest in following Jesus!

Then on Wednesday we had our adventure day and took some aesthetically pleasing pictures as a team at Hobbitenango, Thursday we blogged and caught up on some things we needed to do, spent intentional time with each other, and of course-went to megapaca, again.

Today has been so nice remembering Good Friday! Worship as a squad, a message shared about Good Friday, dying eggs and more to come tonight!

Guatemala has been such a sweet country and I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for our squad here!

It has been so sweet to see everyone around me stepping more and more each day into the life that God has called them into! Living life with the Lord may not be the easiest thing, but it’s tender to see His goodness in every aspect of daily life.

Enjoy life and Blessings in Christ,

Gracie Yoder