

Making the move to Lake Tahoe from the Central Coast earlier this fall has been one of the most life transforming decisions that I have ever made. It started with a simple idea that quickly flourished into a beautiful reality.

As painful as the experience can be, closing chapters are some of my favorite seasons of life. The process of grieving a past season while simultaneously being excited for a new season is such a beautiful thing. The grieving is evidence to how much you loved and enjoyed that chapter. Without goodbye’s, we become so complacent and comfortable that life can began to feel mundane. Change is the only constant that we experience in this short little life on Earth, and God has shown me how to really embrace it. It truly makes life so beautiful and unique.

I have made some of the closest friends out here since the move, and I am eternally thankful for them. It’s always so amazing to be surrounded by people who are like minded in the sense of doing whatever it takes to live somewhere that allows one to follow their passions and dreams. A lot of these people are well educated . . Bachelor’s Degrees, Master Degree’s etc .. but here we all find ourselves working odd jobs in the ski industry just for the opportunity to live and thrive in a place like this. It was never about the money for any of us .. we could probably make more someplace else. It’s about being here in the mountains, day in and day out. The accessibility, along with the determination and drive to grow in our passion.

Of all of the friends I have made out here, my main skiing/advenure buddy Kyle has become the closest. Kyle and I share a deep respect and admiration for the mountains. It was through my friendship with Kyle that I grew in leaps and bounds in backcountry skiing this season. We have skied some of the gnarliest lines that, even just at the beginning of the season, I would have never even dreamed of. One of the most beautiful things that forms in a climbing partner/ski partner friendship is the degree of trust you have in one another. You build confidence in your decision making, and your ability to assess risk. You learn how to push your comfort zone further than you ever thought possible. I have experienced this same experience with several people in my life, and it always leads to a lifelong and life-changing friendship.

We never see the fullness of God’s plan in the middle of a particular season of life, but more slowly gets revealed to us as we keep putting one foot in front of the other in total Faith. We hardly ever recognize the beauty of how the pieces all fit together in the moment, but only when looking back at how He sewed it all together. I have no doubt that making the move here was a life-changing decision, and I am excited to continue to see what fruit comes of it!

These are some of my favorite photographs from the last few months. The beauty of this place never ceases to amaze me.