We’ve been in Thailand the past three weeks and only have a few more days to go before we start our travel days back home to the states. I haven’t really given you guys much info on Thailand and the ministry I’m doing so here’s a little about that. We arrived at our host home to twelve of the sweetest kids! We’re staying with a couple who have taken in kids from around the area and given them a safe and loving home. Our ministry here started with seven full days of teaching english to 1st graders all the way to ninth graders. I’m not gonna lie it was not my favorite and at times I really did not enjoy it but the Lord placed me there at that moment for a reason so I rested in that fact. One of the days we got to go to a monk school and teach them english which was insane because they have never let people come before and my team go to be the first! Then one sunday we got to do the coolest thing ever! We got to go to a nearby village and lead a church service. We led worship, I got to give my testimony and tell other about how God has worked in my life, and one of my teammates gave a sermon. The same day we went to a village a few hours away where there were no christians. While on the way up to village I started to come down with a fever and a gnarly skin infection with bumps all over my legs and hands. I straight up was not doing well so I didn’t get to see much of the village.
If you’re worried about my infection I’m all good now, I went to the doctor and they gave me medicine and I had to soak in this purple stuff (don’t ask me what it was because I have no clue lol) and then completely clean out the infection (Shout out my amazing squad leader, Clarah, for doing that for me) Whatever it was they gave me worked because I feel so much better, my fever and infection are GONE.
But back to ministry in Thailand, we got to do some farm ministry, we helped out out ministry host with maintaining their property so they could plant more. We dug holes and planted banana trees one day, and the other two days we cut down weeds and cleared space for more trees. Our final three days of ministry is also farming, which I’m so excited for because it honestly is so sick and so fun!
Our adventures days here have been the coolest! We go to climb a waterfall, explored some caves, and a hot spring. One adventure day we went to Chiang Mai, to see the city and visit the other teams that are there. Our last adventure day was the one I have been waiting for since I signed up for the trip… ELEPHANTS!!! We got to feed them, bathe them, and just hang with them. One of the coolest days of my life!

The countdown for home has started. It’s so hard to think about how the two months are almost up but we only have three days left at our ministry host, then my team and I travel to Chiang Mai for four days of debrief with our whole squad. Then starts our travel days back home to the US.
Things to be keeping in your prayers:
- For healing and protection from any sickness, people in my squad have had trips to the hospital or are just sick in general.
- That we would press into the Lord in these last few days of ministry to fully accomplish all that the Lord has for us here.