
Back in Romania, Thresa, who worked with Hope Church and had the sweet responsibility of managing all 25 of us, gave us the challenge to write what she calls a “God note” to each of our squadmates. With about two weeks until Christmas, I took on the challenge.

I headed out to either Ponton or Kune to sit and pray over my squad, searching for a word or phrase for them that was from the Lord. With haste, the Lord spoke over each member of my squad. I took the words and wrote them all a letter. And by the grace of God along with how packed our schedule was, I was done by Christmas Eve.

While I loved writing letters to my squad, I loved receiving letters from them. Knowing how in-tune my squad is with the Holy Spirit, I was not surprised to see some connections in themes and in words. Kiley drew everyone on the squad a picture and my picture was a lighthouse. Ashley’s word for me was shine. And Anahbelle drew me flowers with the words “some flowers bloom in the snow”. In their God-notes, their words emboldened me to share the light of Christ that I carry with me. It is something that cannot be hidden.

The enemy is very good at keeping me down and quiet. And while God’s been so faithful to help me see just how valuable my voice actually is while in Korce and their letters were a sweet reminder and a new motivation that came from the Holy Spirit himself!

A week-ish later, we moved to Albania. When I found out that we would be in Korce working with a student ministry, my heart did cartwheels! I have missed my younglife days so much and this felt like the sweetest opportunity to step into the giftings the Lord has given me. Loving people where they are at is such a joy, especially those who are hard to love by the world’s standards. Sitting and listening to them while pointing them back to Jesus and truth is something that I could do all day. It also enabled me to step into the familial feeling of leadership that I haven’t had in the same capacity since, which delighted me!

Throughout the five weeks that we were in Korce, I thrived. Our relaxed schedule allowed me to go to the gym for the first time in six months and feel physically healthy again. It allowed me to dwell in scripture and remember my love of studying the word! It allowed me to have long conversations and truly be where my feet were. It allowed me to spend so much time with a sweet new friend who needs Jesus! It allowed my team to pour into the student center, watch so many movies, have the occasional snowball fight, play endless games, and just enjoy each other’s company!

Korce, Albania has been the best ministry and country of the race (Turkey, Nepal, and India, y’all got competition). Our incredible ministry hosts, Natalie and Freeman, welcomed us not just into their country, but into their lives and their friends lives! This season of the race has just felt like life itself. We got to be a part of three of their weekly bible studies, have meals with them, go skiing for our host’s birthday, and so much more. They took the best care of us and we are so forever grateful!

I had known throughout our time in Albania that the Lord was calling me to shine! I shined as I boldly shared the gospel with my friend where every word I spoke felt like it bounced back. I am praying for her still! I shined as I shared my testimony at a worship night. I hate public speaking. But the Lord called me to it, so I did. I shared the biggest part of my past without hesitation or thoughts of rejection, but with an upward look at the redemptive grace that the Father has shown me! Recently, I was reminded by the Holy Spirit about the words that my squadmates gave me, so I went to my scrapbook and looked.

Ashley’s words were prophetic as she wrote “Lean into the light He has given you, your testimony, the victory, and SHINE BRIGHT”!! Kiley’s lighthouse is just beneath it, as the two go hand and hand. Anahbelle’s God note is close by and also prophetic and it reads “some flowers bloom in the snow”. I bloomed in Korce and it snowed a small handful of times. My Colorado heart was happy when it snowed as it’s one of my favorite things in the world, but I bloomed and grew and thrived and shined in a place where snow was present!

The Lord did so much in me and through me while in Korce and it has been one of the biggest honor’s to get to know these people and love this place!! Albania is one of my favorite countries I’ve ever visited and I hope to come back here one day!

We are currently in Durres, Albania on ATL and then head to Turkey in just over a week!! Prayers are appreciated for final moments in Albania, final moments as Team RICO, and safe travels to our FOURTH country and SEVENTH?! month of the race!