
*This is a little testimony of the Lord working in my life that I want to use as an encouragement to anyone that needs a little reminder of the Lord’s powerful tool of time.   

The other day I looked up and saw on my lampshade a key necklace I had received in 2022 when I squad led for the first time with Adventures in Missions (AIM). It had the prophetic word  ‘Listen’ engraved on it. It was not a word of focus or priority I would have chosen for myself for that season of life but I began to work on listening more. Fast forward about 2 years. This past January I squad led again for a four month semesters trip with AIM. Do you want to know one of the things this squad pointed out in me over and over again? They repeated to me almost from day one that I’m a good listener. 2 years ago. It took time for me to grow into becoming a better listener. Not that I didn’t listen before, but now it’s a quality people see in me after being around me for a short time. It’s still something I don’t do well at at times and still need to work on for sure. When things take time to develop you have to constantly be walking in patience. When I looked up and saw the key and the word ‘Listen’ I laughed out loud a little as I put the whole timeline together and saw how the Lord had grown me into a person who listens to others well. It encouraged me to keep being intentional with weaker areas in my life I want to see change or growth in. It may take time, but change is happening. So listen, this is what I’ve learned. Sometimes you don’t need to be doing more or being better at something, you just need to keep going and time will do its thing as the Keeper of Time continues to lead you and shape you. Others of you, however, may need to be doing more or start doing something. You gotta know who you are, where you’re at and where you want to be. If you’re in the same rut, problem, and cycle year after year, then maybe it’s time to change up your game plan cause something ain’t working right. Don’t grow discouraged when you don’t see immediate fruit. It takes time to produce a crop that is fruitful and worth great value. Maybe there is someone who needs to hear this quote as much I did earlier this week: “Live with an unshakable certainty that everything you do today matters forever.” This quote by  Bruce Wilkinson has helped me refocus my mindset on one of the core principles AIM teaches which is ministry is life and life is ministry. Jonathan Pokluda says your ministry is wherever your two feet are. And listen, sometimes it just takes time.