
Ever since my parents brought home my younger brother, Escher, I have called him “little man”. It’s a sweet nickname I have used since and even now when he’s 15 years old.

When I was in 5th grade, my family had the honor of taking in a two year old boy whose mother was in hospice care. After the mother passed, we were making plans to adopt the toddler. He was my brother and “little man” for a few months. But sadly, plans fell through and the little boy was adopted by a different family. The whole experience was soul crushing and made me question why God let it happen. 

This past month I met a sweet boy and his mother who God carefully pit into my life. Our first night in Da Nang, Vietnam, my team went to a Christmas party to share the love of God. I had just been on a 20 hour bus ride and was bracing myself for noisy children and christmas music everywhere.

Suddenly a small boy, age 6, bursted into the room, yelling “MERRY CHRISTMAS!!”

“I love this kid.” I said to my team mate and God whispered to me, “So do I”.

From that night, me and that boy were inseparable. His mother was heavily involved in my team’s ministry and good friends with our hosts so I got to see him often. We both have such an enormous amount of energy and zest for life. My team joked around, saying he was Vietnamese me. And I couldn’t agree more.

Every Sunday when our team went to church, I’d get to spend time with him. Mostly talking about YouTube and elements on the Periodic Table. One church Sunday, we were in the middle of a conversation about terraforming Mars and creating a water machine so we could live there; normal conversation topics with 6 year olds. I asked him if he wanted to be a scientist when he grows up because he loves all things science. He responded “No! I want to be a prophet!”

Dear Lord,

Thank you for Escher, for letting me be the sister to the best kid there is. For putting him in my family and reminding me that we are God’s adopted children.

Thank you for Flavio, being in my story no matter how much it hurt in the moment. Flavio reminded me that You are in control over all and to trust You in all things.

And thank you Lord for Henry. For redeeming past hurt and for blessing me with knowing him. Even knowing him for a month has been such a gift and honor.

Henry, I love you so much and I can’t wait for you to come visit me someday with your mom and new step dad. Never forget your Father on most high and don’t stop telling people how infinite His love is.