
Ah, 2023. This has been a year of a lot of changes and growth, tensions between new and old, and of course the typical ups and downs of any season of life. But it’s been an amazing year when I look back at it.

In 2023, I:

  • Designed and held my senior art exhibition
  • Road tripped with friends a couple of times
  • Attended several worship nights and concerts, formal and informal
  • Graduated college!
  • Went to three dear friends’ weddings (and even got to be part of two of them! ❤️)
  • Went on a vacation with my family
  • Worked at a summer camp
  • Got to work at a local ministry (and use what I learned at school, every college student’s goal!)
  • Went to The Send in Grand Rapids
  • Committed to follow the Lord and His leading, wherever that might be

And of course, that last note is what stands out the most to me, because that’s what’s changing my life so much in the coming year. Every interaction with verses like Isaiah 6:8, like Matthew 28:19-20, led to increasing conviction, and my only response became “how can I not go?”… Which is, of course, the heart posture that allowed the Lord to get my attention in a new way and lead me to this crazy, never-would-consider-this-if-not-for-God World Race adventure starting in just two weeks! (Also, THANK YOU for all the support, conversations, donations, and prayer commitments – your support means more than you know, and by the goodness of God I am already fully funded!!!)

What I realized today about 2023 is that the year started and ended on a Sunday, so I got to start it and end it with church. And both services were incredibly meaningful. January 1, 2023, we talked about the worthiness of God to receive all we are and all we had – living “a year and a life consecrated unto the Lord.” December 31, 2023, we talked about Immanuel, God with us – how He is with us whenever, wherever, and forever. Looking back, it seems fitting that this year started with me choosing to say “Lord, I’m Yours – may my life be for Your glory” and is ending, just before I start a journey literally around the world for the purpose of glorifying Him, with God’s gentle reassurance that He is with me, with all of us, always and everywhere.

So here’s to 2024 – a year of great change and challenge, impending unknowns and adventures. May it be a year of learning and knowing ever more what it means that our God is with us, as we live each day to glorify Him in all things. ❤️