

Laundry day! We love our clotheslines!

Hey Friends & Family!

A sweet picture of K-squad’s campsite! My tent is the little orange one on the far left!

Where to even begin?! Just last week, I jumped out of the Jeep bright-eyed, eager to set up my bright orange tent, and the eclectic mix of strangers that made up my squad quickly became like family. We’ve shared meals over a white plastic picnic table, late-night laughs, intimate stories from homes near and far, deepest regrets, greatest triumphs, disagreements, and, most importantly, faith. The thing about Christian community that is special is that it is marked by unity and love; if Christ Jesus is our everything, then we have everything in common.

World Race training camp has been a whirlwind of teachings, spirit-filled worship, teambuilding challenges, and training scenarios to prepare us for the next nine months of serving around the globe. I washed my dirty laundry by hand for the first time, used a bucket of water to shower, and stayed up until the wee hours of the night to intercede in prayer. As fun and adventurous as those things were, what truly made the time special were the people who were there with me. None of us our perfect people, but we were still called here to serve.

It was a sunny, 90-degree afternoon when my squad was informed there was a school shooting just 45 minutes away from us here in Gainsville, Georgia. The news was horrifying for all of us, but for some reason, I was particularly distraught, as if it were my own school. My heart felt heavy in my chest, and my eyes felt close to tears. I could not get it out of my head, “Did these young people love Jesus? Did they get the chance to know him?”

K-squad’s first-ever squad church! We shared in a time of worship and then we discussed Philippians 1 and 2!

I tried to continue my laundry by dumping the dirty, stinky clothes into a bucket of water and I began using a measuring cup to scoop out the powder detergent. One of my teammates watching me commented on the amount of detergent and suggested I use a good bit less. After shaking some out, despite my annoyance, another squadmate commented on the amount of powder in my cup. Growing frustrated, I snapped, “I know. Thanks.” and begrudgingly dumped more white grainy detergent back in the bag when yet another teammate pointed out the excess detergent in my cup. My aggravation peaking, I said, “I got this, ok?” Seeing the shock on her face, I began to apologize profusely. Instead of snapping back at me like any other person would have done, these three girls came up to me and hugged me. One even wiped my tears and told me it was ok for my heart to be so heavy about something like this when I admitted that my frustration was not truly with them.

This community of young men and women on fire for Jesus and the advancement of the Gospel has been the picture of love, grace, and joy. There is grace where there could be judgment, there is joy when we face trials, and love where there could be discord. God has woven 35 strangers into a family solely by adopting them into His kingdom. I cannot wait to do life with them for the next nine months and beyond, and there is no one else I would rather have by my side sharing the Gospel to the nations.



By the grace and provision of God, I am fully funded!!! Thank you to all of my supporters who gave faithfully and prayed on my behalf! I rejoice in the fact that “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). I ask that you pray for the health and safety of my squad as many of us have fallen ill. In addition to that, please pray for God to soften the hearts of those we will meet during our missions domestically and around the globe! Lord bless you!


Grace & Peace,


Maggie Claire Richardson

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