
Hey Friends & Family!

I’ve been blessed for the third time with the opportunity to serve the people of New Orleans as part of The Walk youth group, and I’m incredibly excited to share another testimony of God’s goodness! Throughout the week, we walked the streets of New Orleans, sharing the Good News and praying with the people we met. God worked not only in the lives of the people we ministered to but also in those of us on the trip!

On our first full day, we volunteered at the 35th annual Feed the Multitudes event at Victory Church. This free food festival featured NOLA classics like red beans and rice, snowballs, jambalaya, and so much more deliciousness! The event also offered live entertainment, haircuts, manicures, groceries, a shoe giveaway, and other services, but most importantly, it provided an opportunity to share the Gospel. Each station became a chance to show the love of Jesus and share about who He is, and there was space in between where God’s work was evident.

Initially, I was stationed at my favorite spot—the foot washing station. There, we have the privilege of cleaning people’s feet and fitting them for a brand new pair of shoes. This station holds a special place in my heart because it allows me to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. I sit on the floor, hold someone’s hands, and look them in the eyes and say “You are loved by me and, most importantly, loved by God.”

After some time, it was time to switch and let someone serving outdoors come inside. I volunteered at the kid’s station before switching out with a friend to serve water. I had so much fun handing out water and greeting people with a smile! I had just emptied out my fourth tray when Mr. Phillipe, a wheelchair-bound man, called out to me for a cup. I told him I had just run out but I would be more than happy to bring him some and I introduced myself.

When I returned, I was going to quickly ask if I could pray for him and then return to passing out cold waters, but there was a look in his eyes I could not ignore- teary loneliness. He was unable to get over the curb to get his own water and had asked some kids to grab him something to drink, but they ignored him. I instantly sat down in front of him and listened to his story. He was tired- tired of hurting, tired of living, and tired of being ignored. Mr. Phillipe looked me in the eyes and asked me how I saw him because he felt nobody saw him and if I was an angel. I lovingly assured him that I was not an angel and that I believe in a God who sees those the world calls unseen.

My heart broke for him and for all the others we met on this trip who felt abandoned and unseen. In Psalm 139, David beautifully acknowledges that God knows our thoughts before we even think them and is “familiar with all [our] ways” (Psalm 139: 3). There is comfort in that profound intimacy and the fact our Creator walks beside us in every step of our journey. Our circumstances or shortcomings place no limits on God’s love. It transcends barriers of time and space, encompassing all people of various ethnicities, socioeconomic backgrounds, and cultures; it embraces each individual with compassion. When we open our hearts to Him, His fingerprints are evident in the intricate details of our lives— inexplicable peace and joy, blessings unfold, and relationships appear that reflect His unconditional love.

Towards the end of our conversation, I felt led to tell Mr. Philippe that the reason God still has him on this earth is to see others the way I saw him– to sit with others in their pain and tell them they are loved, just like Jesus would. I promised Mr. Philippe T., at his request, that I would never forget his name. My goal on the World Race and beyond is to see, meet, and love all the “Philippes” of the world.


I am officially 82% funded-God is so good! Thank you to all of you who have supported me financially and lifted me up in prayer! Mark 11:24 says, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” I believe the Lord will continue to provide abundantly, so as I pray what I need will be provided! I ask that you all continue to pray that others will be moved to give, and the people I encounter will be moved to follow along with my journey as I obey the Great Commission!


Grace & Peace,


Maggie Claire Richardson

The group we took to New Orleans!

My photo ended up in the NOLA paper!



Watch my first volg on YouTube!