
This is my squad. There are 18 of us total with the 9 women, 7 men, and then 2 squad leaders. Our squad is broke down into 3 different teams which could change throughout my trip but my team is made up of 6 women. Our team name is AMALA which is comprised of all our initials. But it also means “hopeful” or “expecting” in Arabic.






I was assigned a role for my team. So for the upcoming time on the field I will be serving as my teams treasurer. My role responsibilities include helping pay for lodging, transportation, food, and anything else that falls under our teams budget and then logging the transactions and doing receipts for them. I’m excited to be able to serve my team in this way and grow through this experience.

For the next two months or so my team and I will be serving in Bangkok, Thailand. Some of the things we will be doing during our time here is helping our ministry teach English, helping out local churches with a variety of things, and of course spreading the good news. Some of the things we could be doing with the local churches include sports ministry, children’s ministry, youth group, miscellaneous things, and helping with church. I am beyond excited to see what this ministry bring and this wonderful time in Thailand.

A map of my 16.5hr flight

Ways you can support my team and I:


  • For the Thai people and for God to touch their heart through us
  • For health and safety
  • For rest and to be rejuvenated further start of ministry


I am currently 33% funded. Thank you for all the support these last couple weeks. I can’t wait to continue to update yall on my journey and the things that God is doing through me. If you are feeling called to donate toward my trip please visit my donation link. https://adventuresinmissions.servicereef.com/events/adventures-in-missions-3/january-2025-world-race-expedition-11-months-25w0102/participants/mvonrueden

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Love y’all and God bless 🙂