
Earlier in the week, we were told to go into our minds and find our safe place with Jesus. Immediately I found myself approaching a bench that was placed in front of a well, a well that I didn’t recognize from my life but that I recognized deep within my heart. It was the well that Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4. In this portion of Scripture, Jesus encounters a Samaritan woman at a well, where Jesus tells her everything that she has ever done and offers her His Living Water, the well that would never run dry and would sustain her forevermore.

This is the well that I have been meeting Jesus at since I arrived at training camp and it has been awfully sweet. I have gotten to sit there in the presence of God and just be reminded of how deeply I need Jesus and in turn how personal of a relationship I get to have with the Creator of everything.

These last seven days of training camp have been full, and that doesn’t even begin to encapsulate what these days have held.

I have had the opportunity to be taught by older brothers and sisters in the faith about the Gospel, and I am just constantly in awe of how powerful the Gospel is each and every day, not just the day you give your life to Christ. The Gospel affects each morning that I wake up and each opportunity I get to live within the grace and leadership that Jesus has offered us. What a sweet thing it is to be made pure each morning by the One who knows me better that I even know myself.

There have been countless opportunities to hear peoples testimonies of how Jesus has protected them from death, healed their sickness, and saved them from the darkness that their sins were causing them to live in. To hear their testimonies about the new, full life that they now live through Christ as He has completely healed their mental illness, brought them out of their addictions, and reconciled their families. Each story has been completely beautiful. We all have the opportunity to let Jesus rewrite our stories and that is so so beautiful.

Another sweet testimony that I would love to share with you is personal. For awhile now, I have really been wrestling with feeling like God doesn’t hear me, which is something I know through Scripture is false, but I couldn’t help but hear the lies that maybe He wasn’t listening. With this, I have had one song stuck in my head since I arrived at training camp, Nothing Else by Cody Carnes. Each day during worship, I hoped that we would get the opportunity to sing that song. This isn’t a desire a shared with anyone until Friday night when I was washing dishes with my team, where I mentioned it very briefly to a teammate. I mentioned it probably about 10 minutes before we were to be at a worhsip night. Probably about 30 minutes into worship, they began a new song and I recognized it instantly, it was Nothing Else. (They haven’t sung many songs that I already know here, so I really didn’t expect the song to ever be played.) Right away I fell onto my knees in worship. My heart was bursting with joy, my eyes filled with tears. In that moment, all I could say was, “You hear me Jesus! You are listening so intently! Thank you Jesus! I love you Lord!” I never once asked anyone to sing the song or prayed that we could use that song in worship, but Jesus heard the desires of my heart! He delights to sit with us and hear our small requests just as much as our large requests. He is so personal in the way he pursues each one of our hearts. He is so kind to us!


Unless unforeseen circumstances arise, my squad and I will travel to Medellín, Colombia on January 25th! So that means we only have three whole days left here in Gainesville, GA!! I am super excited and expectant for what the Lord is going to do with our final days stateside and even more so for what He has in store for life in Colombia!!!!!

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