
Woah does time fly, we only have a week and a half left in South Africa, crazy!! Since being in Jeffreys Bay my team has been given the honor to do gardening at the Global Leadership Academy. From the outside this doesn’t sound like much, like gardening how is that ministry, butttt the garden we are working on/building is something so special. First background on GLA(Global Leadership Academy), the whole campus is a complete gift from God!! This school focuses on building leaders through the LORD!! So on the campus they already have a little garden, but the two wonderful ladies we get to work with have vision for a garden of Eden food forest!! One of the women is named Clara and she was the woman that was given a vision from the LORD about the garden. After she was given the vision she has no idea how she was going to do it, they didn’t have the land for it, but then the LORD provided!!! She got land right behind the school to start the garden, and that’s when she got connect to Julie and women who knows so much about plants and gemination!! Together they formed a layout for the garden and it’s so beautiful!! Like Gods creation everything has a purpose the plants that will go into the garden all relate to the Bible, and also are native to South Africa. When my team stepped into this the land that was there was just bush, you couldn’t even tell there was going to be a garden, but over the last few weeks we have been able to see the pathways cut from the grass and then my found and carried a lot of rocks to create the edge of the walkways!! The baby olive trees were placed in such strategic spots to create areas that make people feel hidden and minimize distractions! We also planted willow trees to create natural windbreakers!! The garden has been coming together more and more!!! Clara and Julie want the garden to become a place where the people of Jeffreys Bay can find refuge in Gods presence! It’s been such an amazing experience getting to serve!!

The LORD has really shown his faithfulness and his glory to me since being here. God has repeatedly shown me his beauty; through the flowers, the seashells, sunsets/sunrises, and the people. The people are going to make this place hard to leave. The squad had gotten the opportunity to become friends with the local convince store worker, restaurant workers, surf store owner, construction men, along with local surfers. All these people have showed us consistent kindness, that truly resembles the kindness of God. GLA has been hosting us these past weeks and all of the staff has been so loving. Wendy our host mom has made us consistently good meals and always makes us feel loved!!

The LORD has been working a lot in my life since being in South Africa, he has broken me down to build me back up into a women who’s complete focus is on him. God has been showing me all different aspects of him. It’s been so amazing to deepen my relationship with God and to start craving time to spend with the LORD!!

These past weeks have felt so much like home, I keep forgetting that I don’t just live here. Gods presence is so evident here that’s it’s been such a blessing to be able to spend so much time here!

Prayer Requests!!! I would appreciate prayers for my team as we continue to grow in unity, for me to stay focused on the LORD and not stray from what he has for me, and also for me to get fully funded!!!

I am still fundraising and doing an adopt a box and would appreciate anything!!!

Praise the LORD for what he has done already!!