Now that our first week in Swaziland is over and we’ve been able to adjust a bit more, we have a better idea of what ministry will look like for our time here.
- Monday: ATL day in town! This is also our one day where we know we’ll have wifi (during lunch) and our day to drop off laundry and get groceries. It’s a busy one, but I’m excited to see what the Lord will do with the time and space we’ll have in town!
- Tuesday through Friday: Kids’ ministry at the carepoint! Adventures Eswatini has several locations called “carepoints” where they serve around 6500 kids across the country by providing a safe environment, hot meals, and discipleship in an after-school setting. Our squad is getting to serve together at a further-out carepoint (aka a 2-hour drive there and back every day!) that hasn’t had a team in a year or two, playing with the kids, helping serve the food, and being part of devotionals with staff and kids throughout the week.
- Saturday: Our adventure day – which could be traveling to go do a safari or just taking an extra trip into town. It’ll just depend on the week and what we get planned!
- Sunday: Sabbath rest day. We have the opportunity to go to a local church on Sunday mornings, so I’m also hoping to attend service during the weeks we’re here as much as I can!
Our schedule should be fairly consistent week-to-week now that we have more of an established routine, but every day could look different – you never know where the Lord might lead (or what will happen with kids 🤪)!
The transition to Africa has definitely been harder than the one to Guatemala, and I’m still not quite sure why. But I do know that in all the struggles I’ve felt and faced in being here, God has been so faithful to comfort, to provide, to protect, to enlighten – to be who He always is. Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and in all the earth (Isaiah 40:22). Every place we get to go is a new reminder of the faithfulness of the Lord and a fresh revelation of His presence. So once again, I am simply grateful to know Him and be His daughter – to get to be here and serve in this way, even when it’s not what my flesh desires, is a blessing beyond what I could have ever imagined.
Photo highlights from our first week! 🙂