Have you ever had a monkey come through the window and steal your breakfast? We didn’t realize that the windows were open and there was sausage on the counter when we went into the backyard. I stuck my head in an hour later and there was a monkey sitting on the counter chowing down on our food. We scared him away (we thought), minutes later he was back with ten of his friends. We spent a good half hour trying to get one of the monkeys, who had been eating our eggs, out of the garage. Eventually the group of them moved onto the neighbors house. They might cause some mischief but they do make me laugh.
We have moved from the children’s home and are now staying at a friend’s house in Kloof.
Sometimes we don’t know what ministry looks like until we get to the address sent to us. One time we showed up to a day at a children’s home and it turned out to be a day working with senior citizens. I love it so much!
We have been blessed to be able to do house visits and get to know the people in the area. We have spent a lot of time going through apartment complexes, knocking on doors, making friends, praying for people and hearing their stories. I got to give my Bible away to a girl who gave her life to Jesus. I had been water color painting in it and it was really sweet to realize I had been painting for her.
I took up the chance to go shark cage diving with the team. I’ve always been wary of sharks, but this was worth it. It was like a backwards aquarium. A unique form of team bonding. We even got to see a gigantic sea turtle!
We will be staying here a little over another week and then it’s off to Eswatini!
Please be praying for the safety and health of my team. We are excited to see what the next chapter of this adventure will bring.
Love, Rosella