
The power of the Holy Spirit is an absolutely marvelous thing. How beautiful it is to depend on and be led by the Holy Spirit as we head out into the world around us to encounter new people, not only for our benefit but for others as well! The Holy Spirit is moving in us, through us and around us all the time providing connection, opening conversation and building relationships that draw those who encounter Him closer to the Lord. Recently, our team was inspired to reach out to the Holy Spirit, to say yes to His leading, and to be obedient to His direction. The power of the Holy Spirit proved to be a transformational moment not only in our team’s walk with the Lord but also for the person God called us to speak to.

Several weeks ago, at the end of our adventure day we needed a ride back home (adventure days are the one day per week set aside without scheduled ministry so that we can explore the area and culture). Our normal taxi guy, who was our trusted “go-to” driver, was not available and we were stuck. We had to get home but weren’t sure how we were going to make that happen. Then my team and I stopped and prayed. We prayed that the Holy Spirit would move and highlight someone that we could trust to take a ride with. Shortly after praying, a man came up to our group and started sharing his story with us. What a blessing it was that he spoke English and was willing to talk with us! During the conversation he asked if we needed a taxi ride anywhere. Believing the Holy Spirit was orchestrating this interaction, we decided to trust the Lord, to obediently say yes and to get in the taxi.

As we were riding, we continued talking and started to share the reason we were in Nicaragua and the love that Jesus has for him. He was surprisingly open with us and was willing to listen to and learn from what we had to share. We were able to sit with, be with, and listen to him as well. My team and I quickly developed a deep relationship with him and soon invited him to come to church on Saturday where he could deepen his relationship with the Lord and become a part of a community that is Holy Spirit led. He then dropped us off at home and told us he would come to church. Sure enough, that next Saturday he was there! And, he had brought his family along with him.

Since that day we have called on him to be our taxi driver, our friend, and our brother in Christ. On the last day of being in Nicaragua he came to visit us where we were staying for debrief. Our whole squad was quick to invite him to have a seat at our table and eat with us. As he left, he wanted to pray over all of us and we in turn prayed over him, helped him download the Bible App on his phone, and gave him a Story Bible for his daughter. How beautiful is this friendship? How amazing is the Holy Spirit that He brought this man to us and transformed his life and our lives?

The Holy Spirit does show up and provide. We only need to reach out in prayer, to say yes to His leading and to walk in obedience as He moves in our lives.