
Hey everybody!!! Guatemala is a dream! It is so beautiful here and it is such an honor to serve its people! God has been teaching me so much about surrender to Him and letting Him be my rock, my comfort, and my joy. It has been so good to just grow closer and closer to him over this past month and truly discover what it is to be working with God in what he has called me to do. One of the ways God has been challenging me on the race is walking in full obedience with boldness. He is getting me out of my comfort zone and asking me to walk in my purpose of being a child of God instead of walking in the ways of the world and being a slave to fear. It has been SO hard but also SO fruitful because God has been showing me the fruit that comes from boldness and obedience and it is BEAUTIFUL. I am so excited to continue this walk with the Lord and see the new ways he is going to stretch and mold me.

The people of Guatemala and the people on my squad are AMAZING! It is such a blessing to be surrounded by 34 people who love the Lord and are here to serve him with all their hearts! It is so beautiful to see the way each person uses their gifts and talents that God has given them to go, serve, and love. It is even more beautiful to watch them step into confidence with the Lord and how he has called them to serve people. While I am excited for my own growth, I am also very excited for everybody else’s! God is working in all of us and it is so wonderful! Seeing God work in others and seeing them love God and love what he is doing in their hearts, even if it is hard, it is so encouraging and it’s a blessing to be with those who lean into the will of the Lord.

On a less serious note, the food here is AMAZING. I am going to have a food appreciation post on my instagram, so go check it out :). Hopefully, the pictures speak for themselves, because everything is delicious.

Also! I am SO close to being fully funded! I am 6% away and I would truly appreciate your support! Even $10 would be a blessing!!

I love you all very much!