I feel like there is this overarching goal for every Christian is to read the whole Bible, or that’s what I felt at least. I didn’t grow up being taught all the classic Sunday school Bible lessons so when I became a Christian at age 13 I felt a little left out that I didn’t know the stories my friends did.
Besides Genius 1 I only really read the New Testament. Throughout different small groups or my summer camp devotionals I read all 4 gospels and some of Paul’s letters.
So when I came on the race I grew this deep hunger for the word. I wanted to know the stories, understand Gods character, and have that deeper intimacy with the Lord!
My order of operations
At training camp I read acts and revelations. These 2 books I felt drawn to as they were highly referenced and talked about within my friends. After reading specifically acts I felt joy that I’ve never felt before, joy that can only be from the Lord! Reading about the deciples ministry and knowing I was about to go to the nations was so special to me!
When I got to Guatemala I decided that I wanted to read the New Testament, but since I had read the 4 gospels before ( and had just read acts ) started at Roman’s and went until Jude. Then I circled back and finished with the 4 gospels.
My goal was to finish the NT before we left Guatemala, but I didn’t finish until part way through Vietnam. So in Vietnam I started my Journey of Genesis – Malachi!
How I described my reading was that I wasn’t studying the word, rather reading it for the first time. So I definitely missed some small details , but I got the themes!
In Cambodia our team worked in school and were paired with individual teachers. My teacher taught computer lab, which happens to be a self paced class. So for a total of 4 hours a day I sat in silence to the sound of typing. I initially was highly discouraged at this fact, but then I realized that this was precious time set aside for me to dive into the word! So I wrote out a goal that was 25 chapters a day! And with this goal I ended up finishing the OT during my all squad debrief ( the week after Cambodia before Swazi ministry).
Now that I have read every single page of my Bible I only want to read it again and again!
I learned that humans mess up a lot, even with God sets them up so well. Yet, God always is giving people new opportunities and chances to redeem themselves for Him! The poetry books taught me about my identity in Him and how much he not only loves me, but knows me fully! How God cares for me and wants to live in eternity with me !
I learned that reading the entire Bible wasn’t some bucket list item, but rather a way of life that I’ll be living for the rest of my life.
The Bible is such an incredible gift from God and I’m in awe of it everyday!
My team was so supportive of me reading things I never have before, willing to answer the most obscure questions I had! I also watched a lot of bible project videos !
I personally read the NIV translation which I know is fully God breathed! And when I want more context I used my blue letter Bible app to cross reference other translations ( usually ESV) and also commentaries!
I am filled with the Joy of the Lord
I am blessed that He gave us the Bible and that I have full access to it
You do too!
Start out with the gospels, read about Jesus life and ministry!
Now that I’ve started I never want to stop . You won’t want to either