

We have completed two full weeks of ministry in San Antonio Aguas Calientes, Guatemala! Over the next 4 weeks we will continue to partner with 2 local ministries that are amazing in everything they do. HOPE & Worship Room desire serving to flow out of the secret place with the Lord. The ministries have built a solid foundation on the love, power & nearness of God. I’ve learned to prioritize rest, lean into intimacy with the Lord & be confident in my spanish speaking abilities at all times!

We are barely getting into the swing of things so though there’s been some exhaustion & dying to ourselves on the daily, we’ve also got to experience God in greater ways during worship, bible study & intercession.

Terms I use often & their meanings:

HOPE Garden: Ministry garden space in San Antonio Aguas Calientes where we gather around 70 kids from ages 5-12 almost everyday of the week for soccer, VBS, music, English classes & so much more!

Worship Room: Ministry that organizes Thursday evening worship sessions in the city & creates space for us to learn & participate in prayer & intercession

Serve Hope Cafe: The cafe in the city of Antigua where we do worships nights, have a prayer room & use various spaces for teachings

Team Time: A 2 hour gathering or activity 5 days a week to spend time together, pray, give feedback, talk about ministry, logistics, etc.


Here’s a quick run down of our day to day:




Gym with my host sister every morning!







20 minute Chicken Bus ride into the city of Antigua






Prayer Room at Serve Hope Cafe where we are currently praying & interceding for Israel




Squad training on prayer & intercession led by Worship Room leadership




Teaching English to kids in the community at Hope Garden







Din din!!









Bible study & worship at Hope Garden




House Visits: (this would be soooo off limits in the US) but imagine walking around a town and knocking on someones door to be immediately invited in to sit for hours and talk about whatever the spirit leads you: family, hardships, work, beliefs, school, etc. (mind you, you’re also speaking in an entirely different language & trying to translate here & there). I was led to pray for a young girl who was facing things I had in the past & as soon as I walked out of my first house visit, I was extremely overwhelmed with gratitude for my life’s “struggles” through the ability to spend time seeking to understand another family’s life.



Lunch (our favorite meal)!! Dobladas y ensalda repollo




VBS at Hope Garden: We get to teach kids bible stories, prayer & worship! Watching kids grow in their own faith at such a young age is so encouraging.











Bible Study (men & women separate): Leaders of the ministries & other people involved in the community join for a once a week bible study together. Currently, we are studying the life of David & learning about his absolute surrender in all areas of his life to the Lord.




Music Academy for kids eager to learn guitar or piano




Mother’s Bible Study: There are currently 6 mothers in the community who consistently join our mother’s bible study. It is a place to not only learn more about the character of God & love He has for each of them but to support, encourage & equip these strong woman to keep going.













Prayer Room at Serve Hope Cafe







Last week our other team from the mountain came to worship!!






Worship Night at Hope Cafe open to the entire community!





Street food after worship every Thursday!







Soccer with teens ages 12 to 15





Lunch!! (Guatemalans make the best tortillas HANDS DOWN!)





Soccer with kids ages 5 to 11







Team Time outing to get ice cream!






One of the weekend days is my Sabbath while the other is an Adventure Day!


The beach with friends!






Viewpoint pit stop with my host sister 🙂






Super Bowl Sunday with the team!!!!!





As you can see, our days are busy & filled with so much goodness! We are extremely blessed to be partnered with the ministries we currently are with. We have got to experience the culture, language, food, traditions & so much more from personal experience. Jesus is so evident in our everyday!


Please pray for grateful & open hearts to what the remaining 4 weeks has in store for us!! ❤️

Love always,