
My testimony 🙂

I was born into a faithful, God-fearing family. I view that as a gift. I know that not everyone is born to parents who want to shepherd them and point them to the Lord. I was three years old when I recognized my need for a savior. I knew that heaven was a place I wanted to go. I accepted Christ and let Him into my heart when I was three and a half, but it wasn’t until I was thirteen that I felt the Lord calling me to publicly proclaim my faith through baptism. After that point, I started to see that I was created for a personal relationship with God. He isn’t a choice that punches my ticket into heaven, but a father who loves his children and desires for them to love him back. He cherishes his children, he cherishes me. I’ve struggled at times to cherish him back, however. I’ve gotten distracted by the ‘flashing lights’ of this world. Whether it be relationships, academics, sports, screens, or friends, I’ve found it difficult to remain faithful to my heavenly father. I still do fight this. But despite my stumbles and moments of unfaithfulness, He remains faithful. He always pursues me and is patiently waiting for me to pick up his word and talk to him. He helps me tear down the idols that I put in His place time and time again. He always leads me in His will: He is sovereign. My confidence is not in my ability to discern his will, it’s in his faithfulness to lead me in it. That’s why I’m going on this trip. He’s led me to where I am today and He’ll keep leading me and the rest of the team as we travel this fall. I’m looking forward to walking in step with the Spirit as we search for a ministry to partner with overseas. Additionally, I’m looking forward to removing more distractions and drawing closer to the Lord. Working as a team with unity towards the goal of following the Spirit’s direction and sharing the gospel with those we come in contact with. We are ambassadors of Christ, no matter where we go. I can’t wait to be representing Him in Spain and wherever else He leads us.

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