
I remember it was the summer of 2013, right before I turned 8. Our VBS theme that year was Identity, and we’d learned in class that God had made all our fingerprints unique. I can’t remember my thoughts exactly, but looking back, I’m sure it had something to do with “There is no possible way we can know for sure what Adam and Eve’s and everyone else who has ever had fingers’ prints were.” But lying in my parents’ bed that night, staring at my dad’s lamp, I decided to give my heart to Jesus.

Who I Am:

Hello everyone! My name is Charis, and I am a brand-new racer ready to take on Europe! I am from Ozark, Missouri, have four younger brothers, and have followed Jesus since that night 11 years ago. I just graduated high school and have spent my entire education (so far) homeschooled. Below, I’ll share a bit about me, my testimony, and ultimately, what I believe and want God to do on this trip. 

I loved being homeschooled because it gave me many opportunities, skills, and interests. I’ve had the fortune to not only complete my high school education but also grow my skills in different workplaces, something for which I will always be grateful. I am a dancer and have been since I was three years old. I danced up until I graduated. I was a competitive dancer for three years and a speech and debate competitor for two. I’ve served in kids’ ministry at my church since I was 12, been a semi-pianist, and a very competitive student.

A Few Fun Facts About Me Are:

-I LOVE people! I am a huge people person. I love talking with people in the grocery store, at the park, at church, at work, at school, via social media, and all the things!

-I have endless energy. Imagine a four-year-old boy, hyped on sugar and without all the immature meltdowns. That’s me…all the time. Mature meltdowns and everything!

-I’m a massive reader + learner. I love books, more specifically, the books you were forced to read in English class. Jane Austen, Alexandre Dumas, C.S. Lewis. 😙🤌

My Testimony:

My life’s goal is to live as I’ve been set apart. I want to make people feel cherished and valued. I want to be seen as remarkable (patient, hard-working, kind, etc.) to give people a clearer idea of what being a Christian really means.

I fail more than I succeed, I have numerous shortcomings, and sometimes, I feel I have more than most people. But through all of my imperfections, God’s grace shines through brighter, enabling me to humble myself and serve others. 

This is my testimony: Even though I desire purification, I am messed up. I need Jesus, I need my God, I need Him to show up. And He always does.

The Lord helps me to serve, love, and connect with people through my failures. He allows me to work hard, consistently, and respectfully to live out Colossians 3:12: “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.”

God has blessed me in countless ways, but placing me with my family is the biggest. I grew up in church and a Christian family, which enabled me to start maturing in my faith at a young age. I have a massive heart for people that I believe the Lord has been using since I was a kid. 

The Lord has gotten me through everything, every struggle, every hurt. I’ve learned to lay down my selfishness, my pride, and my grievances and partner with God to love and serve Him and others. 

What I Believe God Will Do on This Trip: 

Even though I’ve grown up in church and have written a lot of pretty words, sometimes I get so caught up in my life + busyness that I focus on myself. I can engage with things I know I shouldn’t, talk with a lost soul and not feel burdened for them, and go days without reading my bible. My desire for this trip is to see God move so prevalently I can’t go 5 minutes without Him. I want to drive past a homeless man on the street and see him as a child of God. I want to pray constantly, love others so much that my heart physically hurts, and see people’s chains fall off. 

I want to be near the Lord, feel Him, adore Him, and worship Him all my life.

I am anticipating God will do great things on this trip. I am ready to make life-lasting connections with my squadmates and the people we encounter on our mission field. In Matthew 18:20, Jesus promises, “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” I am excited to continually live out this verse in my life for three months, and I hope it fills you with the same excitement and hope.

I thank Jesus for the opportunity to spend the first part of my gap year in service to Him, in discipleship, and in utility to others and my world. Please be praying for us as we journey through Spain and wherever else God leads us. I am ready for what the Lord wants to offer these next few months and excited to share my stories with you!