
My three biggest fears growing up: being a missionary overseas, natural disasters, and motorcycles. 

God truly has a sense of humor because look at me now. Im doing missions work and I’m going overseas to do it. I went through a hurricane and a mudslide. Everywhere I look there is a motorcycle. And I count it all blessings! Miraculously these things don’t scare me anymore. I realized that there is something bigger than myself and a plan that is larger than I can  see. 

On top of those three things one of my biggest regrets from high school is that I didn’t pursue my Spanish classes, speaking the language always scared me because I felt guilty that I didn’t take the opportunity that was set in front of me to learn Spanish. But now, here I am listening, speaking and learning the language! I love it!

Just yesterday we were tasked to do house visits and invite families from the church to a Christmas festival that Hope ministry has each year. I went with a group that included two of our ministry hosts. I was relieved because this meant I didn’t need to figure out how to say things in Spanish… then they said that all they were gonna do was knock and I was going to do the talking.
“Oh my, ok, I’ll give it my best shot.”
With a little coaching I had the words to say. We knocked and I spoke! It worked!

It’s funny how God takes the things we are most insecure about and makes them our strengths.

love you,
