
Wow has time flown by, here is my first blog post from training camp! I just love our squad. There’s eighteen of us, including our two squad leaders. We are currently in route to Bangkok, Thailand, where we will be living for the next sixty days. Our squad has split up into three teams, each team going to a different city, working with a different ministry. My team is all girls and we will be working for a kids ministry, teaching kids and parents English in Bangkok! My role in the squad is coordinator for Beauty for Ashes, so I get to plan retreats for women to share their testimonies and walks with the Lord. Retreats will be posted on their instagram, @beauty4ashes613

During my time at training camp, I have felt my heart posture for the Lord change drastically compared to the last time I was here in May. Over the summer I was very new to my serious walk with the Lord. I was learning , as I still am, but I didn’t fully surrender to God. This training camp, I am just in awe of how much he’s softened my heart over time for Him and for others. I am wrecked after every worship song, I’ve cried almost everyday of training camp, because we get to be SO CLOSE to a God who came down to earth and died the worst death for our sins and he LIVES inside of us .. AH I can’t wait to tell the nations about Jesus. He’s changed my life, fully.

I am so inspired by my squad mates, and their unique and special relationship with our father. But as 1 Corinthians says, we are all adding to one body of Christ, one persons the hands one persons the feet and one persons the legs, but we are all in Christ and He lives in us.

I learned that we can have possible “caps” that are enabling us to allow the Holy Spirit to flow out of us. We all have walls up as protection, and a reaction to not let people into our pain. Jesus basically breaks our hearts of stone and brings a heart of flesh, (Ezekiel 36:26) God promises to transform people’s hearts from being stubborn to being receptive and obedient through LOVE and through the HOLY SPIRIT.

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