
Wow it has been along time since I’ve written you guys, and I apologize it has been too long! I wanted to update everyone on where I am in life…I am currently in the U.S, back in Georgia. You might be asking, “Alex didn’t you have a few more months left on the field?” Yes I did, let me explain. Due to some mental/emotional struggles on the field, leadership thought it would be best for me to come back to the US. When I got this news I wrestled with God, as you find Jacob doing in Genesis 32:24, and because of God’s long-suffering care, He allowed me to wrestle with Him, and after much prayer and council with my leaders we settled on the Lord leading me off the field abroad. I was grieved to find out I would be leaving my team and squad, and though it was not what I could ever imagine my race turning out like, God was leading me back to US soil. I found myself asking “God where do I go from here, have you left me?” Then the Mentor of my squad Aaron Wesley Moore extended the offer of discipling me and mentoring me the remainder of the race, where I would live with him and a couple of other men of God. I would also have the opportunity to serve on the Adventures in Missions campus and continue with local missions. My hope and prayer is that I will be able rejoin my team on the AIM campus for final debrief and finish out the race in true fashion. So I’m technically still on the race, just not out of the country. God is so generous to me.

So all that being said, I headed back to the US with my mentor and settled in my new home in Gainesville, Georgia, where I have the opportunity to be surrounded by A.I.M community, have intensive discipleship, and a safe place to process and press into the Lord. I am excited to see the fruits of what the Lord does here, my journey is far from done. The Father has never left my side, even in the midst of grief, confusion, and trials. He has still pursued my heart and I trust what He is doing in this new season! There are still hearts here yet be told about the Good News, and in this next season I am still here saying “Lord send me”. Thank you to everyone who has supported me on this journey, though it’s far from over and actually just the beginning. I welcome prayer and petition, as I am also praying for each and every one of you!