
“And don’t allow yourselves to be weary in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you’ve planted is coming!”
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6‬:‭9‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Going into the ministry that we have the opportunity to be apart of, it’s easy to get in the mindset of, “If there isn’t a salvation, then we’ve failed” but God has been showing us that a salvation isn’t our job, it’s His and He just calls us to be a light and plant seeds, big or small. On average it takes a person 7 times to hear the gospel before they accept it, all we can do is water that seed and pray that it is in good soil. On Wednesday nights, we go out to the Bronx which is a location where homeless people congregate in Medellín. It’s a very heavy environment due to the drugs and other activities that go on there. We meet different people there every week who we are able to minister to and share the love of God, even if it’s through a cup of aguapanela and pan. There is a few different people who we see regularly when we get there which is reassuring in the sense that God has protected them from possible death but heartbreaking because they’re still in the same place. It’s easy to get discouraged when talking to them because most of the time they won’t remember what we said the week before due to intoxication and other things, but it’s a good thing we serve a God who doesn’t know any barrier He can’t get through. In those moments we really have to trust that what we’re doing isn’t in vain and know that the Lord can still be working in their hearts, whether or not we see it, which is where faith comes in. Although there have been moments that have been discouraging, there have also been very sweet moments. The first week we went to the Bronx, we met a group of 4 Venezuelans who we got to talk with and pray with and they accepted Jesus! Not only that, but on sabbath, Eutiva, Darrell, and I were at a coffee shop and we walked down the street and ran into them there as well. Other sweet moments have included people who have gotten out of the Bronx and walked to the foundation to come get help. It’s cool moments like that where God really shows us that it’s about planting the seeds and He’ll take it from there.

With a language barrier, it’s hard sometimes to share with people the Word but truly, people will know that we have the Lord within us by the way we love each other. Here, the phrase “Actions speak louder than words” couldn’t be more true. People will know who we belong to by the way we represent through our actions. Loving the people of Colombia could mean having kids on your shoulders or holding them while you spin in circles and they laugh. It could mean eating the food that they took their time to make or helping them peel potatoes and squeeze limes for 2 and half hours while we share music that each of us likes. Whatever it may look like, the sole purpose is to share the love of God. It’s a privilege that the Lord placed us here for such a time as this. What an honor it is to be a small part of these peoples stories.