I know I say this every week, but this week has been so good! Every day is full of so many amazing moments and experiences. Most days, multiple times a day, I can’t help but be in awe that this is reality and I get to live this beautiful life. God has blessed me in so many ways just to be here and to do everything I get to do and I am so beyond thankful.
Tuesday continues to be one of my favourite days of the week. I love the mornings when our team and ministry hosts gather together to read the Word and spend time in the Lord’s presence. This week we talked about Revelation 1 and how God continually desires to reveal Himself more and more to those who seek Him. After our bible study, we went in small groups to homes in the community to hand out flyers for a Christmas festival. It was so sweet to invite families and pray for them. That afternoon, the kids came for the VBS program. To say I love these kids is an understatement! They are so sweet and playing with them on the playground at the ministry is definitely a highlight every week!
On Wednesday our squad had a sweet time of worship and communion. “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27. God has been teaching me this week to be so present with Him that His voice is all I hear. And with the gift of hearing His voice comes the responsibility of being obedient. Obedience in following and trusting God wholeheartedly at His word. He says that He has great plans for my life, so I believe it. He says I am loved, chosen and free of fear, so I believe it. I believe it and I walk in authority of who He says I am. That obedience is the greatest form of worship and that’s what God calls us all to walk in every single day. My life is worth nothing if I’m not following the One who created everything!
Thursday was another activation day. This week we focused on the power of intercession and the responsibility we have to fight for the Kingdom of God here on earth. We as believers have a beautiful opportunity to pray for others and stand in the gap invited heaven to come and everything else to flee in Jesus name.
After our teaching our squad spent time in prayer as a squad interceding for Guatemala. We specifically prayed against alcoholism for the men in Parramos, restoration for broken families, that hearts of stone would become hearts of flesh (Ezekiel 11:19), and for the orphan hearts of Guatemala. For both children and adults, that all would feel the love of their good Heavenly Father.
We then split into teams and headed out to Parramos. My team began by walking around and praying over the town of Parramos, for everyone who lived and worked there, that they would experience God in a new, radical way. I was also specifically praying that God would highlight someone to talk to in such an evident way that I wouldn’t be able to ignore it. Then a lady came up and started talking to us. The language barrier was a struggle, but Rose really stepped up and used the little Spanish she had been learning to carry the conversation. Later Rose told me that she was amazed at how much she was able to understand and that it was all God, there was no way she knew that much on her own! The lady led us to her store and there we met her daughter who was learning English at a school in Parramos. We had a great conversation with her about her faith and how God wants to be apart of her everyday life not just on Sundays. We shared our own testimony’s of how we experience the God and how He wants a real, personal relationship with us more than just religion. Her mom then came back with a traditional Guatemala desert. It was a type of pumpkin with honey kind of treat. It wasn’t anything like I expected but it was so sweet of her and I am so grateful for it.
God continues to teach and reveal to me more and more of His character each week. It’s amazing how I am almost 3 months into the race yet it’s so clear to me that this is just the beginning of what the Lord has for my life.
Thank you for reading and praying for me and my squad! You are all amazing and I hope you enjoy the update (sorry it’s late this week).
Here are some prayer request for me, my team and Hope Ministries:
- Staying present in every moment
- All the kids and the community of San Antonio, that God would bless them and their families
- Health and safety
- Team Unity