
Recently, a friend asked me “what is something that God has been revealing to you on this trip?” I pondered it for a while and God gave me a beautiful revelation that He has been teaching me to serve out of an overflow. See, during our time at training camp, focusing on my relationship with the Lord came so easily because our schedule was intentionally created with so many pockets of free time to focus solely on growing my relationship with Jesus. However, here in Colombia adjusting to life, it’s easy to forget that serving the Lord through ministry isn’t the only thing that God desires from me. God is still seeking a personal and intimate relationship with me, He wants to spend one-on-one time with me. If you know me, you know that I am extremely extroverted, I am fueled by people, and being immersed in such a warm culture here it’s been difficult to find time to be alone with God. However, throughout the Gospels, we hear about Jesus going off alone and spending time alone with the Father. If our Savior needed this, can you imagine how much we need this? So, after learning that God is trying to teach me to serve in this way I’ve intentionally made more time for God, I don’t simply give Him my free moments in between ministry, but I give Him my first fruits. I give everything to Him first and let me tell you, He has been so faithful in my obedience to Him! In this, my cup is now so full of Jesus that the lies and schemes of the enemy have no room in my life, the ways of the world cannot fit into my cup that’s already overflowing with the joy of the Lord! In everything I do, I will serve out of an overflow, not of my own strength, not of my own wisdom or ability, but because the Lord has filled my cup so full that I am now overflowing and can pour into and serve others the way that the Lord desires!

Psalm 23:5 says, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” God is so good and His word is always true, and it is such a joy to watch His word play out in my life!