
Heyyyyy everyone! I can’t believe how fast these two months are flying by, I will be home so soon. I will miss it here like crazy but I am excited to hug all you guys and just see what adventure the Lord has in store next! (I highly doubt this will be my last trip with the world race😉)
I don’t have a whole lot of time, so this update will be a little shorter than usual!

The past week we have been doing farm ministry! It has been good, but so tiring. It has really opened my eyes to see how a lot of Thai people live, and I couldn’t imagine doing it every day. I have come home after each 5 hour work day completely DRENCHED in sweat. I even sweat completely through a pair of jeans!! It’s been intense work, but it means so much that we get to bless our ministry host in this way. We’ve been planting banana trees (around 55 just on the first day) and cutting/pulling weeds by hand and with what I would call a scythe, but what my team calls machetes. By clearing out these areas covered with weeds, we’ll be able to plant more trees and plants that provide food for our hosts and the 12 children living with them. Somehow these 3 weeks just flew by and we now only have 3 days of actual ministry left 🙁 I’m not exactly sure what we will be doing for our last 3 days, but there’s a big chance we will continue farming.
On Thursday the 25th we will travel to the city of Chiang Mai and start our 3 day debrief. We will spend time all together as a squad worshipping, receiving more teaching, fellowshipping with one another and talking about this crazy adventure we all just experienced together! Then, either late Sunday night or early Monday morning, we will started the 45 hour journey home, but we will actually travel back in time 12 hours and arrive in Atlanta on Tuesday the 30th!
These two months have been absolutely transformative for me and I cannot wait to share all the things I’ve seen and learned. I cannot thank you enough for partnering with me❤️ YOU are being a part of God taking what the enemy meant for evil, and turning it for good!

I want to close out with prayer requests!
-Please pray for my friend Kaitlyn who is on one of the Chiang mai teams, she is currently in the hospital very sick and she urgently needs prayer for healing
-I want to be vulnerable and honest with you guys. This week has been a struggle for me, the enemy has been attacking me, but I know it’s because he is terrified of the refinement and work that the Lord is doing in me. Please pray against these attacks as Friday I was unable to attend ministry because of the way the enemy is trying to tear me down (I am already much better as my team and I have spent much time in prayer fighting against this and other things)
-Pray for easy and safe travels for all the upcoming traveling we have