
Thank you God for Thailand!

After a month of living in Chiang Dao (City do Stars), God taught me so much. He taught me His fatherly love, His companionship, how He defends me, His love for all His people, and how I can love even when my cup is empty. He taught me steadiness, confidence, patience, trust, and contentment.

Before Thailand God gave me a word, and that word was healing. Looking back, God had used my time in Thailand to help me heal from old wounds. This was not an easy process, but God was with me through it all, and showed me how good and freeing it is!

I’m so grateful for my new family, and friends. The 12 kids that I lived with, and my host Wanida showed me what Gods true love and hospitality looked like. I am so blessed with how much God filled my cup to pour into here kids and how much they also pour into us; it was truly inspiring. I’ll love them forever and ever.

I’m grateful for the kids I was able to teach. In and out of the classroom, my team and I were teaching kids , ages 2-14, English throughout the weeks that we were there. As well as being able to teach them the love and gentleness of the Lord. Even going to an unreached village and teaching them about the Love of God for the first time! God truly showed me, and gave me a lot of perseverance learning how to teach through language barriers, different cultures, many different ages, and different beliefs. I’m grateful for all the love that I was able to experience from everyone around me, and how much God gave me strength on the days that were long and difficult.

Thank you Thailand, you have truly given me some of my best friends, best memories, and best moments with God!

Forever I’ll love you! Thank you God, and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me in Albania!

House visits in the unreached village
Decorating our home for Christmas!
My little kindergarteners!