
I have spent the last couple of weeks feeling a lot of conviction about my time management. A lot of you who know me will know that I have always waited until the last minute to do anything, usually with school work or tasks, but recently I have realized that I also put off my time with the Lord.

We hear it so often that, to maintain a relationship, you have to spend time with the person. I can not express how true that is. These past couple of weeks, I have felt so far away from the Lord. I noticed that I was sleeping in late, leaving me with not enough time to read my Bible in the mornings. I started to push Him off until it was convenient to me. Sometimes I even put a time limit on the time I have to spend with Him.

The misconception people have about mission trips is that we are doing God’s work, so it does not matter if we have personal time with Him. However, that is so false. Matthew 6:6-7 says, “But when you pray, go into your most private room, close the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees [what is done] in secret will reward you.”  It doesn’t matter if you proclaim God to people if you do not praise Him behind closed doors.

The Lord also showed me that our time is so valuable. We are not promised tomorrow or even the next ten minutes. God could come back at any second. So why are we saying we will spend time with God tomorrow? WE ARE NOT PROMISED TOMORROW!!!

If we do not lean on God, but we lean on our flesh we will not be fulfilled.

Right now, my team is in Guatape preparing to leave for Ecuador on Friday. During this time, I am leaning more and more into God and what His word says. I do not want to get to Ecuador and not rely on the Lord.

I want to emphasize this again: Spend time with the Lord NOW.

Please pray for my squad and me that in this transition to Ecuador, we rely FULLY on the Lord. Also for safe travels to Ecuador!!