
Hi everyone! I’m so happy you’re here. 🙂 This is my first blogpost as a Racer. I will be posting weekly blogs on the field as well as throughout training camp to give you guys a glimpse into what the Lord is doing in my life through World Race. 

As the World Race just keeps getting closer and closer, so does my reliance on the Lord. In just eight days, I’ll be living with a community of completely new people in a totally new environment. At first, this seems terrifying and uncomfortable and as uncomfortable as it may be for me at times, I have been so at peace with leaving and learning to serve the Lord in new environments. After speaking with so many people, it seems to be expected of me to be regretting this decision and extremely anxious about it but I feel quite the opposite and my only explanation for that is just knowing that the Lord wants me to go and surrendering all of my plans to Him.  Something that the Lord has been putting heavy on my heart through all of this though, is that through new experiences + a challenged mind, comes growth and renewal that only He can bring. His peace goes far beyond my understanding and is truly leading me through every aspect of this journey. 

In the fundraising process of this journey, the Lord has provided far beyond what I could have hoped for already. Through the endless support of my loved ones and friends, I can just so clearly see the Lord and His hand in all of this. His abundance and overflowing generosity have just given me a glimpse into his true unconditional love and kindness he extends to those who trust in Him. 

I can’t wait to continue to share this journey with each of you! Thank you for your prayers and taking the time to read this! God bless!!❤️

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