
Meet my team!

These are the people I do life with day by day. We eat, pray, worship, serve, walk & commune together. We choose each other even when it’s hard & are learning to love one another more & more as the days progress. Living in community is not always easy but when hearts are centered around the same purpose & everyone is focused on growing & learning about & from one another, it makes life a lot easier!! I thank God for these friends in this season & am excited to show them off to you. ❤️‍🔥


Bri – my amazing squad leader! Bri is silent but deadly (in a great way lol). You don’t realize the wisdom she has because of the way she privately & intimately takes things to the Lord before sharing. You are likely to find Bri encouraging & loving on everyone around!

Mazi – our amazing team leader! This woman is a woman of resilience & courage. She seeks to understand fully by putting herself in the shoes of others. She equally supports & calls our team higher on the daily. You are likely to find Mazi asking you the most intense deep questions ever because that is how she makes others feel seen & loved!

Noah – the treasurer of treasurers! Noah is on top of it daily. He is consistently so in tune with the spirit & has an awareness of the spiritual realm that is often missed by most. His dedication to maturing in the Lord is one of the most fascinating qualities about him. You are likely to find Noah in his room with the door wide open, strumming his guitar & singing to the Lord!

Patricia – our queen of worship! Patricia thinks outside the box & asks questions that nobody thinks about yet makes you ponder in the best way. She is quick to forgive & seeks to understand the love God has for her. You are likely to find Patricia either making a really funny joke about the mundane or resting by herself because if anyone needs time alone, it’s her!

Bella – our woman in logistics! No task is too big or small for Bella. She puts her absolute all into everything she does because she cares deeply about serving those around her. She is desperate to be used in the kingdom & know the voice of the Father like no other. You are likely to find Bella swinging kids around the HOPE garden (I wouldn’t deny that she is the most loved missionary by the kiddos☺️)!

Alexa – our fierce organizer of Beauty for Ashes. Alexa notices everything. She beautifully & diligently sets the example in all we do. She speaks from well thought out revelations & recognizes when truth is needed to speak into the mind of those around her. You are most likely to find Alexa straight chillin & down for any adventure!


These are my friends who make up team Happy Feet! I thank God for blessing me everyday with this group.

Love always,