Hey there friends and family!
If you’ve read my last blog or seen me recently, you’ve heard that I am an Affiliated Missionary with Adventures in Missions. My role as a missionary is Squad Mentor! I’ve just arrived home after two and a half weeks at our Adventures in Missions base in Gainesville, Georgia, so I wanted to give you a little insight into what it looked like for me to Squad Mentor a Semester’s squad at training camp.
I lived on base above the training center, so for those 2.5 weeks, nearly every single moment was spent investing in the leadership team or the squad. Needless to say, I really valued my early morning quiet time to abide in Christ and receive strength and refreshment in God’s presence so that I could pour myself out throughout the day! Thanks be to God who gives us everything we need for life and godliness!
I arrived on Tuesday, August 27th and spent a couple of days with the leadership team before the racers arrived. We prayed and planned and vision casted for our squad. On August 31st, hundreds of parents and racers arrived at the base and we hosted the Parent launch weekend. On September 2nd, we started our typical training camp rhythm, and it was awesome! We knew the Lord was asking us to hold the schedule loosely, and it was so cool to see how the Holy Spirit showed up and ministered to racers during these training and worship sessions. As a Mentor, I felt the spiritual responsibility of shepherding the squad, P Squad. I also carried the spiritual authority of leading the squad through one on one discipleship, vision casting for the direction of our squad, and leading the squad leaders. It is truly a privilege. Many of the responsibilities of a Squad Mentor, both interpersonal and administrative, seemed to come naturally to me because of the gifts God has given me, so I loved my time with P Squad at training camp.
Over the course of the two weeks, we trained them on many topics, including: What is Truth (Jesus), God as Father, Holy Spirit, Evangelism, Feedback, Forgiveness, What is the Gospel, etc.. I personally gave a teaching to P Squad on Love/Unity and the culture that we hope for our squad to walk in. We did many interactive and hands-on scenarios such as: a physical fitness hike, kids ministry scenario, house visit scenarios, role training, and marketplace scenario. The racers are given so much information to process and are challenged in much of their thinking. It’s such a cool stage to walk through with them as they take time to discover what they believe and grow in many ways. As the Squad Mentor, I was able to lead the P Squad in many discussions about topics that could have been unfamiliar to them. It was my goal to create space for the squad to safely talk about what they were learning and to feel welcomed in any of their questioning. My heart is for this squad to walk in love, as beloved children, and be obedient to the Lord just like Jesus was. That’s what I hope they walk away with–knowing a little bit more what is the depth of God’s love for them, and becoming more eager to walk in the way of Jesus.
Now, P Squad has just arrived in Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa! They will spend one month there and then will travel to Eswatini for a month of ministry. When they return in mid-November, I will reunite with them in Georgia for a few days of final debrief and then will lead a debrief for the alumni squad leaders. My role over the next two months entails facilitating weekly leadership calls to discuss how the squad and ministry are doing, providing administrative and spiritual support as their stateside AIM staff member, having biweekly one-on-one calls with each leader for discipleship and care, and being available for any one-on-one calls that a racer on the squad may desire or need. I will be the squad leaders’ support and visionary as they plan a mini debrief, interact with ministry hosts, and disciple the racers on their teams. I am thankful to get to be a part of what God is doing in the Kingdom and in the hearts of P Squad!
Please join me in coming before the Father in intercession for:
- P Squad’s transition into life on the field – beginning their ministry on 9/17/24
- Unity among the squad and respect for squad leaders
- God to give them each insight into their gifts and passions to leverage for his Kingdom
- Personal rest and refreshment after 2 and 1/2 weeks of ministry at training camp
Thank you so much for partnering with me in prayer during Fall Training Camp. I’m so grateful for your constant support as I seek first the Kingdom of God in my life. I’ve felt so seen by every text, email, coffee date, etc. that has show me your investment in what God is doing through my ‘yes’ to Him. Thank you!
In addition, I am still support raising for this role as it is a support-raised part time job through Adventures in Missions. The organization provides this support-raising option as they recognize the significant amount of time that Training Camp and Debrief will take away from our other jobs, and the consistent weekly time investment of mentoring the squad while they are on the field. If you feel led to give financially, I’d love to answer any questions you may have!
Here are some pictures from training camp!!