It was a good run. 😂
After over a month of being out of the States and in Guatemala, our team finally, inevitably started to get sick (all of us to varying degrees over the past week or so). (And not just our team, I should add – it seems like something’s just going around the region, as even many of our ministry hosts have been dealing with sickness unfortunately.)
As I write this, I’m currently dealing with (hopefully the end of) a longsuffering cold that started last weekend.
But you know what? It’s ok (especially considering that there are much worse things to deal with than a cold!). It’s part of life at home and abroad – sometimes especially abroad. The hardest part is really those moments when you’re not feeling well and you just want to be at home.
The Lord has been kind, though, as He is so faithful to be. In the hardest moments, He’s given me grace and healing. He’s made ways for me to feel less homesick in times when I could feel more so. He’s brought my attention to other things, namely, who He still is regardless of when my flesh tries to let my struggles eclipse Him. (With that, pro tip: download a couple episodes of The Chosen for when you don’t have wifi and need to pass time! Truth-reminders and entertainment all in one 😆)
My team has been so, so kind as well, to me and each of us who’s taken a turn of not feeling well – offering whatever medicine they have on them, making food, encouraging rest (which is something that I appreciate a lot because I definitely can feel bad when everyone is working except me). There is a willingness to serve others on Team FROG that is just beautiful, both to witness and to receive.
So yes, there is the reality of sickness to deal with, here as anywhere in the world. But, thank God, it’s something we’re not powerless to deal with, physically or spiritually. The Lord provides – He knows what we need, when we need it. And we can trust Him in the good as well as the hard.
Speaking of my team: I may be fully fundraised (again, praise the Lord!!! That is a blessing I still can hardly fathom!!), but most people on my squad are still in the midst of the fundraising process! This squad is absolutely PACKED with people who have fiery hearts for God and reaching the world with His love and truth. As a squad we’re coming up on the 75%-fundraised goal at the end of this month, and we’re very much all trusting the Lord to provide for this missionary journey He’s called us to.
With that said, if your heart has been stirred by anything I’ve shared about my team/squad doing and the ways God has been moving so far, please consider supporting one of my incredible squadmates and being an answered prayer for them and all of us!
Noah: Noah has such a hunger for and knowledge of the Word and is always ready to learn – an instrument, another language, whatever – in order to further the Gospel! He has an amazing heart for reaching the lost.
Alexa: Alexa is a steadfast minister of and unto the Lord. She’s so willing to grow and be stretched for the sake of better knowing the Lord and making Him known.
Patricia: Patricia has a beautiful servant heart that she’s displayed so frequently already on the Race. She is diligent to dig deep into the Word to understand it better.
Mazi: Mazi has a grace and spiritual intuition about her that is just stunning. She’s not afraid to ask hard questions and is always ready to go deeper in relationship with others and God.
Josie: Josie is a speaker of truth in love. She has eyes to see and reach out to the one like Jesus did (Matthew 18:12).
Payton: Payton is a crazy bold evangelist with a deeply sincere heart! She demonstrates the love of Christ to everyone she interacts with.
Yu-Mei: Yu-Mei has such an amazing heart of service, for her team and for ministries. Her energy and endurance is unparalleled, be it for soccer ministry or hikes to reach ministry locations.
Caroline: Caroline is always ready to bring the joy of the Lord through some laughter and encouragement. She’s super adventurous and willing to bring the Truth into new situations and experiences.