
Howdy all, week 1 in Guatemala has come to a close and what an awesome week it has been. We started the week at the Adventures in Missions base in Paramos. We spent a day and half there learning about the culture, people and customs of Guatemala. We got to meet an incredible young pastor who partners with The World Race, he led us in worship spoke to us about the does and don’s of interacting with the local people and also brought kids from his church to come play soccer or fútbol as it is called down here. I tried my best to hang with the kiddos but they were far outclassed me with their foot to eye coordination. All those years of American football did not prove useful for me on the fútbol pitch. But it was a great time to be involved with the kids and just have fun while showing them that they are loved! While we were at the base we also got to meet the Adventures in Missions staff that lives here full time and hear about some of the work they have been doing outside of hosting World Racers and maintaining relationships with our host ministries. It was shared with us that a big part of their ministry is raising up Guatemalans to go to the Middle East to evangelize to them! I thought this was really incredible as it just showed how the many hands of feet of the church work together to spread the Gospel to the world. After all this was Jesus vision for the church that we would use our skills and giftings to raise up future generations to share the gospel so it was cool to hear that the Lord has specifically been moving in Guatemalans hearts to reach the people of the Middle East. When I asked one of the friends I have made down here what drew his heart to wanting to serve in the Middle East he gave a one word answer “persecution”. At times I have felt fearful of doing this trip but how encouraging it has been to see that the people of Guatemala are feeling called to dive head first into the lions den and go preach the Word to the areas of the world that are most heavily persecuted.

After our time at the AIM (adventures in missions) base we got to meet up with our host Chaco who runs Dar Para Dar “give to give”. Chaco runs a handful of ministries here in Guatemala but we are specifically serving with his ministry called Prayer Mountain. Chaco’s vision for Prayer Mountain is to build a retreat far away from the hustle and noise of city life to give families and any believers a space to quietly and peacefully seek the presence of the Lord. We are quite literally camping on the side of a mountain and let me tell you it is absolutely gorgeous. We are nestled amongst 3 volcanoes, 1 of which is still active. To the untrained eye it appears as though we are in the middle of a giant bowl surrounded by mountains on every side. While we are here we will be working to improve the infrastructure of the location so that families can come stay here and have access to the basic needs and amenities for daily life. Yesterday we hooked up hot water so that the showers are warm as well as a few other things. We started to clear a large part of land and level it out so that a shed and all of its belongings can be relocated. Being a native of very flat Michigan it was news to me that if you wanted flat ground you had to create it. The slope of these mountains is incredible steep so leveling off space for roads, walkways and buildings is a must. So far Chaco and his team have built out a kitchen 2 bathrooms and a sleeping quarters for the folks that are here through out the week working. We also have a nice dining gazebo in the shade. Next on the list of to do’s is leveling out a path for the tractor as well as a flat space for it to be parked and stored inside of a shed along with the generator and other more valuable equipment that is up here. We will be here for 6 weeks so we are also hopeful to get some land cleared to start building cabins for visitors to stay in.

Chaco has an incredible vision for prayer mountain and making a space to encounter the Lord on a personal level. In that vision he also wants the same for us as missionaries as well. There is much for me to learn from the Guatemalan culture and its people. American does a great job of convincing us that life is defined by what we can achieve and here that is all cast out the window. I have gotten to spend so much time already reading the Word and in prayer with God since arriving here to Prayer Mountain. I am praying that in my time here I will grow more comfortable with sitting in stillness in the presence of the Lord while removing outside distractions. In doing so I am also seeking to hear from the Lord more clearly and frequently as I turn to Him for daily guidance not just in the major decisions in life but in the minor as well. Hearing the voice of God is a muscle that must be trained and as of now I am afraid my biceps are a stronger muscle than the one needed to discern His voice. I have been reading through 1 & 2 Samuel and a portion that really stuck out to me was how David before every action sought the Lord and asked Him to discern if what he was doing was the correct move forward. In doing so David was able to receive audible direction from the Lord for the course of his life. Wouldn’t it be great if we could hear the Lord guide us through our every step day after day? The fact of the matter is we can if we just be still and seek Him. I hope to establish this same rhythm in my daily life moving forward so that I may abide in the will of the Lord every day in all that I do. That is a lofty goal but one I believe that all christians should strive for and one that will ultimately lead to us living lives more reflective of our savior Jesus Christ.

Tomorrow we head into the city of Antigua to join along side some of the other ministries that Chaco is a part of. Please be praying for safe travels and that myself as well as our whole team adjust to campaign life in the mountains. Pray for warmth or blankets or both it has been chilly! Love you all and look forward to updating you further very soon, God Bless you!