
As I prepare to leave on my world race trip to Guatemala and Nicaragua in two weeks I’m flooded with emotions. I’m excited to serve and be a vessel for the Lord and I can’t wait to meet new people and make friends while exploring a new culture and place. It will be difficult for me to leave my family and the people I love, but I know that God will be my comfort and my stronghold, because when He calls His people to do something He provides all that we need to do it. He does not tell me to go and leave me on my own but I know He walks with me every step of the way and He understands every emotion I feel. He knows all that has happened, all that will happen, and He has provided and will provide all that I need to accomplish His will for me.

Faith is a complete trust and confidence in someone or something and this trip takes a lot of faith. Faith has been what I’ve had to hold onto as I approach this trip which is a leap of faith for me. No I haven’t always remembered it and I’ve even found myself doubting my own ability to get through being away for what seems like so long. But if my goal in life is to serve the Lord, then this 3 months is nothing compared to the dedication of my savior who laid down His life for me. So faith is what I’ll choose to hold onto because I trust that God knows what He’s doing and He has a perfect plan. I have faith that God will take care of all of my worries and I have faith that all will workout for good. Do I still have emotions of worry and fear of what could be, yes, but I choose to combat worry with truth, and the truth is that God is sovereign. God is all powerful and perfect and putting my faith in Him is a blessing for my heart and soul.

In two weeks I’ll be stepping out of my comfort zone and I’ll be stepping fully into faith. I know their will be many unknowns and worry of what’s to come, and I know their will be moments when all I want to do is be with my friends and family at home. I know that there will be tears but I know that there will be so much joy in return. I know that no matter what emotion I may feel, God understands it and He comforts me as I follow Him faithfully. So  for everyone who’s asked me if I’m prepared for my trip, I’d say no… I don’t think I ever could be… physically and materialistically, yes, but emotionally I’m still learning to be fully faithful, and as I do, I’m excited to see how God grows my faith through these next few months.