
Today is travel day!! Ya, you heard that, we out!!

After 16 days of growing, learning & spending time amongst each other as well as with & about the Lord, I am now out to pursue the mission I’ve been talking about over the past year. So many emotions & thoughts are flooding my brain as we’re on our first flight out of the country with the main one being gratitude. I get the opportunity to love on & celebrate a handful of new sisters & brothers on a daily basis all with a common denominator, to build the kingdom. As we were on the train at ATL, in-between running around to get food before our flight, some squad mates & I were discussing how lucky we are to be chosen to live a life of fullness, to do work that isn’t always easy but is always fulfilling. Being hand picked by the creator of the universe is a vast thought but it’s exactly our circumstance in this season so, THANK YOU JESUS.


As a squad of 13, we were introduced to our teams this week, splitting our group in half. Our 2 teams will be in the same country at all times but living separately & serving different ministries to spread out the working hands! Throughout the entirety of our trip, teams will be changed around from time to time to experience different personalities & community living.


I am part of team HAPPY FEET! Along with all being pretty crazy, high energy folks, our name originally stems from Isaiah 52:7, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”

We are excited to partner with each other in bringing the gospel to people & places it doesn’t exist. Over the next 6 weeks, this will look like being involved with a ministry called Worship Room in Guatemala who has a desire to see the gospel become alive through intercession & worship, that leads to the integral growth of the church. We will be connected with the global prayer movement as well as support local churches to arise with a right understanding of prayer & intercession. This is exciting considering I was praying just a week ago to be put in a place where I have the opportunity to learn more & be immersed in both worship & intercession. It’s an answered prayer already.


This whole thing is already hard & exciting! The last 2 weeks have been full of heart exploration that has been convicting but producing much fruit & growth. A big thank you to all the staff over the weeks who presented themselves as an open book in front of us, allowing me a space to be myself & seek the heart of God.

Thank you for reading, praying & supporting me! 💛 I’m barely starting my trip & almost fully funded! Please prayerfully consider supporting me & if you have any questions, reach out, I’d love to chat!

$15,086 of $19,200

Remaining: $4,114

Fundraising Link: Payton’s Fundraising Page

Venmo: @PaytonLothman

Cashapp: $PaytonLothman


ps. Please be praying as we transition into our new host home & country. Pray for us to be filled with the spirit, joy & health. Thank you!!!!

ps. ps. I get the honor to be one of the storytellers on our squad so follow our instagram to be rapidly updated with our endeavors!

Click to follow us on IG!

peace out homies,
