
in John 15, John writes about the Gardener pruning the plants that bear fruit so that they may bear more fruit- continuing on to say that the Father prunes us when we bear fruit for His name so that we may bear better, fuller fruit.

this Scripture was brought to mind the other day when my team and I were in the greenhouse that they have here at Dunamis. on that day, our job in the greenhouse was simply to go through and pick every yellow leaf off of the plants.

if you know plants, you know this is necessary so that the plant doesn’t waste energy on a leaf that isn’t contributing to the plant.

when this brought John 15 to mind, i thought about the attention to detail that we were all showing in those moments to make sure no yellow leaf was left behind, so that the plant could continue to be healthy. if I, who doesn’t run this greenhouse or live in the country receiving the produce, care about the pruning of these plants, how much greater does God care about pruning us so that we may bear greater fruit for His Kingdom?

He cares about the details of our lives. He spends careful time growing and refining us to look more like Him. He prunes intently & lovingly. He prunes for a great purpose. He is our great Gardener.