
I am currently in the car on the way to training! I know there are a lot of people who are waiting my blog to start up, so hello! 

As I sit here thinking about leaving the familiar, all I have is excitement for what will soon become the new familiar. 
I don’t have a lot of expectations for what will be, but I’ve surrendered these next 3.5 months into the hands of God. 

My team is 11 people, and 10 of us are arriving today, and one tomorrow. We train for two weeks and then head to Colombia! 

I will miss my family and friends greatly, but as much as I can, I’m gonna try to disconnect so that in every way, I can fully be open to what God will teach me, and sober to every moment that i will see him move. 

Thank you to everyone who is reading this. Thank you for following along, thank you for your financial support, thank you for praying. 

I will update this as much as I can for my benefit of memory, and for the benefit of my supporters back home (you).

But that being said, I probably won’t have access to much time to reply to texts or messages, so know that im not ignoring you! 

❤️ signing off my fist blog post, in Him, 
Ellie Hood

hard goodbyes: I don’t have pictures with all the people I’ll miss and that I’m close with, but here are some photos from the last few days of seeing my familiar people ❤️