
We are halfway through the race folks!! It is crazy to think about how much has happened, and how much more is to come. We went from training in Georgia, to a week in Mississippi, Malaysia, Thailand, and now in our third country, Greece. We are placed in Thessaloniki, which is not the white building and blue roof Greece people first think of, but it’s wonderful here. So much history, a great community, and as always more cultural adjustments. As the race has gone on, I keep a note in my phone of any time something happens that reminds me I’m not in the US anymore. One from Greece so far is almost getting run over (multiple times) because motorbikes have free reign on the side walks apparently! Another is the relationship over task mentality here. It is normal to be late or miss a class because it’s more important to pour into a conversation you are having right now. It also forces me to slow down and focus on the people at hand. How can I honor them best? Likely this means having a cup of coffee with a stranger for two hours and listening to them talk about their breakup. My American mindset is searching for how I could be more productive in that moment, but then I remember the beauty that comes with slowing down, even if it is listening to a long and detailed story from someone I barely know. 


Ministry in Greece has been wonderful! A chunk of our time is focused on helping the refugees here, which entails providing a meal, food to bring to family, showers, supplies, and I think the most impactful is being in the community. We spend the time preparing for the center to open. Some prepare sandwiches and the space that everyone gathers in, while others prepare bags of fruit and bread to be taken home once they leave the center. The doors open and the first thing we do is serve. We give a plate of food with a cup of coffee and the bags of food they need until the next day they come to visit. Of course we talk and hear their stories next. Many of the refugees are from Syria and Ukraine, some had to leave their families and some came together. We have made so many connections and it has been such an honor to serve and know this community. I am so excited as our time here continues, to see more of what God will do.


If you’d like to contribute to the work being done, a great way is to donate by clicking on my page or praying for me and my team! It would be much appreciated! God bless!