

The other day, we were out in Antigua for ATL (ask the Lord). We had come to the end of our day which, to be honest had seemed to go kind of slow for me. We were buying snacks and essentials before going home and one of my teammates got done before me so she went outside.

 There’s an older lady we sometimes pass on the streets and she is always wanting money. My teammate went out of the store and talked to her and had a decent, although broken between Spanish and English, conversation with this lady, and this lady wanted chicken. So, my teammate went back in the store and bought this lady a whole rotisserie chicken. Yeah. We prayed over this lady, gave her a Bible and said adios.

 Anyways, my point with this blog is the chicken. This day was like a rotisserie chicken in the fact that even though it was slow-going in my sight, it worked out perfectly in His timing and ultimately for His glory.

 This race has really taught me a lot about patience and the importance of waiting on the Lord, because no matter how fast we want things to happen they are only going to happen in His timing.

 Like a chicken, the Lord is slowly cooking us tenderly so we can be used to the best of our ability for His kingdom!

 So, whenever you are tempted to doubt that the Lord is really going to show up and things are going to happen in time, remember that the best things in life take time-like chicken.

 “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.” -Psalms 37:7a

Blessings in Christ,

Gracie Yoder