
Hey everyone!
I wanted to drop a quick update from Romania! It’s hard to believe, but I’ve been in Romania for almost two months now. We leave for Albania on Jan 7th. CRAZYYY. Time is moving way faster than I want it to lol.

The ministry we’re partnering with here is called Hope Church. My squad is staying at a mission house with the paster and his family. We love them so much! Our days are usually full of street evangelism and intercession. It has been a really fruitful season of watching myself and the squad grow in these areas. I remember feeling really intimidated by the thought of getting sent to the streets to evangelize for hours and hours and hours, day after day after day. But now I can say some of my BEST memories on the race have been made on the streets of Romania. The stories are endless & we’ve seen so many people give their life to Christ. When we’re not evangelizing, we’re most likely interceding for the city of Craiova and the individuals we’ve met here. It has been so incredible. Craiova is a spiritually heavy city, but we’ve been able to see God move in very powerful ways. We’ve also seen him answer ENDLESS amounts of prayers. My faith has been built in this country, without a doubt. If you have any questions about what we do each day or any questions about the ministry we’re partnering with, please reach out to me or drop it in the comments 🙂

On a lighter note, thought it’d share some random experiences I’ve had here in Romania….

1) Getting robbed (multiple of us) while praying for the city

2) Almost robbed again in Starbucks… followed by a light assault lol

3) Went to “Romanian blackmarket” where people sell things they’ve stolen. (Not a real blackmarket fyi lol)

4) Went to Therme (Europe’s largest indoor spa/waterpark).

5) Experienced some interesting/intense spiritual warfare stuff & have learned a lot about the realities of witchcraft.

6) Invited to an anatomy lab & walked into a room full of human cadavers. Interesting…

7) Made some AMAZING Romanian friends

8) Built a prayer room in our mission house with the squad

9) Saw castles

10) etc…

Missionary life is so fun haha. So many joys, but also lots of moments where you have to intentionally lean in, even when it’s hard. I will say, Romania surprised me. I think it will be much harder goodbye than I originally thought it would be. I’m very thankful for this country, Hope Church, my squad, and even all the random little annoyances… like getting robbed & losing my passport in Germany lol. It’s all apart of the story.


I am officially 92% funded! Wow. I’m incredibly thankful for every one of you who has contributed towards this cause. Thank you for catching the vision and choosing to send me. Thank you for being kingdom minded. Dang, I am just so blown away! I still have $1,500 to raise. Please reach out if it’s on your heart to support me further in this 🙂 God will provide!

Also, I would really appreciate continued prayer as we prepare to move to Albania! We’re excited to see how God will move there!


Thanks for reading <3