Due to unforeseen circumstances, our route has changed and we will now be traveling to Guatemala, Albania, Greece, Turkey, South Asia and Nepal. I am trusting that this is part of the Lord’s plan which is infinitely better than anything I could plan. Throughout my life I have tried to control and plan everything and releasing that control has always been hard for me. Releasing control requires trust and trust is something that has been broken so many times in my life by humans. Through everything, God has been faithful and has never broken my trust or His promises. Saying I trust God and actually living out that trust are certainly two different things. I am so excited to learn more about the new countries I will be traveling to but if I’m completely honest I am a little anxious of change. I know that this experience with the world race will help me to be more flexible and to trust God wherever I go even if its not on the original itinerary. I have learned first hand that the experiences in my life that were not on my itinerary have sparked some of the most amazing opportunities for God to work. In the bible there are so many miracles that Jesus preforms that are not on the “schedule for the day” and I can only imagine what He is going to do through our team in these countries.
So here I am actively giving God my plans because I know even though I can’t see His plans yet, they will be better than mine.
Here is a little more about each country I will be visiting from the world race website:
Guatemala: Known as “The Land of Eternal Spring”, Guatemala is one of the most beautiful and diverse countries in Central America. Tourists travel from all over the world to climb its volcanoes, drink its coffee, and zip line through the rainforest. However, the true beauty of Guatemala is its people. Gripped by poverty, the people of Guatemala hunger for the Kingdom of God. The majority of Guatemalans practice a form of Catholicism, and it’s estimated many also mix in ancient tribal religions and cultural traditions into their faith. Will you share the beautiful truth that there is so much more to this life with people in Guatemala?
Albania: Albania, one of the countries Paul visited on his third missionary journey, is in Eastern Europe. Though it declared independence in 1912, this small country was occupied by both Italy and Germany during World War II, lying behind the Iron Curtain and under Soviet rule until 1989. Not long after the fall of the Soviet Union, conflict on the Balkan Peninsula tore families apart once again. It is a nation of rich history, natural beauty, and people who know the meaning of pain. The people of Albania need to know the freedom and hope that comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ. Will you share it with them?
Greece: Often called the birthplace of civilization, Greece is known for its deep cultural history. Though Greece ranks high on the list of tourist destinations, it is also ranked third in the world for highest unemployment rate. Over the past few years, Greece’s financial crisis has topped the news highlights, and most recently it was a major transition point for refugees. Still at the forefront of today’s news, Greece is in need of hope. Will you follow in the steps of Apostle Paul and share God’s love in a country that was once a hub for Christianity?
Turkey: Turkey is a nation where the deep religious history of the Middle East converges with the modern secularism of the West. As you walk down the streets of Istanbul, you will smell roasting chestnuts and open-air kebab stands, and hear the resounding call to prayer echo across the city. You might even be chased down by friendly Turkish people asking you to join them for a cup of tea.
South Asia: A vibe like no other, this part of South Asia is home to over a billion people, 22 languages, and a mix of religions. And don’t even get us started on the mouth-watering, spice-packed cuisine! But, here’s the real talk – it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There’s a dark side too. The ancient caste system? Yeah, it’s still causing issues today. Social injustice, discrimination, and some seriously messed up stuff like forced prostitution and human trafficking are way too common. Imagine being treated as “untouchable” just because you have leprosy, or living in slums with barely enough to get by. It’s heartbreaking. But guess what? We’re not about to stand by. We’re all about spreading hope, love, and change in South Asia. Will you join us in making a difference in the lives of the poor, the abandoned, and the outcast?
Nepal: Nepal, you gotta see it to believe it – it’s like straight out of a dream! Home to the mighty Mount Everest, the tallest mountain on the planet, Nepal is basically on top of the world. But here’s the real scoop: Nepal is mostly Hindu and Buddhist, but there’s something epic happening. After that massive earthquake rocked the place in 2015, people were left with nowhere to turn, homes in ruins, and loved ones hurting or gone. But you know what? The hope of Christ is rising like never before! Churches are popping up, and entire families are discovering His love and turning to Him.
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