

I have never been a runner, ever. You can ask any of my family or friends. Do I run every day? No. Do I enjoy running? Sure. Do I run races consistently? Nope! So the fact that I am on something called the World Race, just makes me chuckle. No, we are not literally running a race around Southeast Asia. However, we are running a race towards the finish line and that finish line is a life and relationship with Jesus; forever. Our goal is to cross the line and win the race, but we also need to understand that the winner has already been declared. The time could not be beat. The blood that was shed painted the clear victory. The race has already been won. When you are actually running a race, you are told never to look back, but I encourage you to look back. You will see the One who died for you, chasing you down. Run the race. Ask people to run with you. The only person you should be beating is the enemy. 


“Run the race” has been placed on my heart for the last two weeks. It has been a little motto that has slipped its way into my life. It originally made itself present on July 9, 2023, during a mission trip. It was a teaching taught by Shane Wibel focusing on 2 Timothy 4:7 and 1 Corinthians 9:24. (As pointed out by Cassie, Hebrews 12: 1-2 talks bout the same thing). Here are some of the things I wrote down and have kept in my Bible this last year:


  • You have done the training, now don’t hold back. 
  • Run like you want to win
  • Push each other = run together
  • Don’t quit on your team
  • Jesus is worth every effort→ run the extra mile


Do I sprint? No. But I am gonna sprint towards the King. Am I tired towards the end? Yes. But I am going to run the extra mile. Grab your friends and run together. The journey and finish line is worth it:) 



We just completed our first week of ministry in Thailand. I taught 7th-9th grade English with three other girls. Compared to Cambodia, this school is very different. We are staying at an orphanage with about 10 kids and our hosts. It is such a beautiful thing. My team is in Chiang Dao and the views make me teary-eyed. The peace blanketed over this city is incredible. God has seriously blessed us. At first, I was nervous about being separated from the other two teams, but it has been such a joy to grow closer as a group of just the seven of us. Yesterday we went to some waterfalls and that was really fun. Tomorrow we go to a monk school and teach “young” monks English. It should be exciting!


Lord, thank you for this wonderful life I live, the amazing people you have surrounded me with, and this beautiful, yet temporary home I get to enjoy. 



Love you all, I am thankful for you all, and I hope you have a blessed week!

